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When considering the word "vintage," what vision comes to mind? Do you immediately think old-fashioned, worn out, or aged? Or, perhaps you have a more favorable perspective as you reminisce about the old cookie jar your mother would let you reach into if you were good, or the jelly jar full of preservatives that graced your grandmother's counter top. Whether it's clothing, furniture, jewelry, or materials, over the last few years there has been a rise in the popularity of vintage things. More and more, people are reflecting upon the quality, steadfastness, and value of things from the past. However, what about "vintage" as a spiritual perspective or lifestyle? Find out more inside...
You've been called! Now what? Well, that's a question many people ask. Often times, people sense that they have been called, particularly by God, and may not know what to do next. In fact, sometimes they may not understand specifically what they are called to do. All they know is that they have been called by God and they just want to please Him. So seriously, what happens next? How do you resolve the perplexity of knowing specifically what you are called to do in the Kingdom of God? By what means necessary do you stay faithful to that call in order to fulfill your purpose and destiny? What if you are a minister or a mentor? How do you help others determine the proper course of action? Find out inside...
What would you do if you knew you had the ability to touch the entire world? Where would you start? Whose life would you touch? If you couldn't go, who would you send? These are very important questions, as we all have a specific mandate to "go ye therefore, and teach all nations" [Matthew 28:19]. Our local communities, neighborhoods, and churches are significant contributors to the world in which we live. So the question is, "What are you doing right now to touch the world?" Read more of what Evg. Ruby Holland has to say inside...