Pastor Deborah Dukes: "Don't Block My Flow"
Where would you be right now if you could operate at your peak potential at all times? What would your life truly be like if you were able to accomplish all of the uncanny ideas that are in your spirit? Well today, we want to help point you in the right direction to make these questions reality. had the exclusive opportunity to ask our featured preaching woman, Pastor Deborah Dukes, to shed some light on these questions and more. She graciously accepted our invitation to be featured on our site and share with us some practical principles of how to live a life flowing with endless possibilities!
Now, some of you may recognize her as the darling sweetheart and wife of renowned Pastor and author Lyle Dukes. However, we want to provide you with an intimate portrait of who Pastor Deborah Dukes is, as we celebrate her as a "featured Preaching Woman!"
Author, songwriter, recording artist, entrepreneur, visionary, wife, and mother are a few of the innumerable roles she occupies; but most assuredly, Pastor Deborah is an anointed woman of God with an undeniable beauty both inside and out. Boasting a striking smile that is absolutely infectious and indicative of the joy of the Lord, she serves as an exemplary example of a progressive preaching woman whose ministry is canvassing the nation, as she advances the Kingdom of God.
Pastor Deborah Dukes is the Co-Founder of Harvest Life Changers Church, International, an innovative and progressive ministry with over 5000 members located in Woodbridge, Virginia. She is also the CEO of Lyle and Deborah Dukes Ministries. However, Pastor Deborah is not a "new kid on the block," when it comes to ministry. She has been exposed to ministry all of her life as the daughter of the stately Bishop Carver E. Poindexter and Co-Pastor Lorene Poindexter of the Love of Christ Church. Reared under the leadership of her parents who have successfully co-labored together as pastors for many years, we asked Pastor Deborah when she realized that she too was called to ministry and here's what she explained.
"My personality has always been one of vision, tenacity and passion to help people and I believe through obedience to the training of my parents, I was able to hear the call. I also thank God for my wonderful husband, Pastor Lyle Dukes; he is definitely the wind beneath my wings. He has always encouraged me to go forth, even when I was hesitant about stepping out. He's my number one supporter," said Pastor Deborah.
With a true heart for women, Pastor Deborah is Founder and President of the Women of Divine Destiny Ministry, Deborah's Daughters, and the Daughters of Destiny Academy for Youth, all of which are designed to empower women to break free from strongholds and reach their divine destiny. We asked Pastor Deborah why she feels God has given her such a profound passion for women and she candidly offered us this explanation:
"…I am an equipper of souls. I minister to the needs of men and youth as well. However, because I am a woman, I have an understanding of the stuff that is not covered in a textbook or a session. I'm passionate about women because I feel that every woman has so much power and influence inside of her, and I also know that the enemy has employed many devices against women to block that power and influence or to pervert it so it's used in the wrong way. Low self-esteem, fear and insecurity and others are all things he tries to use against us. God has blessed me to be able to use the principles in His Word to free women from these bondages so that they can walk in the manifestation of God's promises for them and their families, exclaimed Pastor Deborah.
Empowering women all over the world, Pastor Deborah is the chief visionary and host of the annual, globally renowned women's conference, Don't Block My Flow, which takes place April 23-25, 2008. This spectacular conference attracts thousands of women to the Metropolitan Washington, DC area to receive powerful and anointed teachings that bring about radical change and spiritual breakthroughs. This powerful event has expanded beyond just a notable conference, having evolved into a life-changing philosophy for Christian living and walking in one's divine purpose. In addition, Pastor Deborah is the prolific Founder and Editor-in-Chief of the Don't Block My Flow magazine, which was birthed from the vision of her dynamic conference. asked Pastor Deborah what is the meaning behind the attractive philosophy, "Don't Block My Flow," and here is what she revealed:
"Every woman has a "flow" - a certain way that she is designed to operate to advance the Kingdom of God through her gifts and talents. The enemy comes in to try to block that flow by coming against our minds, our spirit, even against our physical bodies! "Don't Block My Flow" is designed to equip women to become whole in every aspect of their lives by dealing with the many hidden issues that hinder them from reaching their fullest potential and God-given purpose. It is strategically orchestrated to unblock the strongholds that have held women captive so that the anointing of God can be released to flow free through their lives. There is only one person in the whole world that can truly block your flow....come to my "Don't Block My Flow" conference April 23rd through the 25th to find out who it is and what you can do about it!, Pastor Debora hinted.
However, we asked Pastor Deborah to give us just a sneak peak into what one can get at the conference by telling us three principles as to how women can maintain there own personal flow and here's what she graciously told us:
- "Develop and cultivate a true personal relationship with God through salvation and prayer.
- Join a local church - not just attend, but join! Everybody needs to be a part of a church family with a Pastor that knows you, knows your spirit, and can provide a vehicle for God to speak to you through His Word. Everyone can get a certain level of understanding by reading the Bible and you should do that, but we all need a Pastor - the bible tells us that God gave us pastors and teachers for our perfection.
- Be obedient to the Word and Pastoral leadership. Hebrews 13:17 says, "Obey them that have the rule over you..." Whether you understand or not, obedience to spiritual leadership will keep you right in the center of God's will for your life. Not many people can really grasp this concept because it takes some spiritual maturity and humility. But I'm a living example that obedience to godly leadership will work for you!"
Pastor Deborah is the author of the ground-breaking and highly acclaimed book, The Accelerated Weight Loss Diet Plan & Journal. She is also the creator and producer of the Power Workout DVD and Power Walk CD. So, we asked Pastor Deborah what inspired her to write this ingenious book and here's what she said:
"My life! I was tired of dealing with being overweight! I mean, I was still a bad "mamajama" at 200 pounds, but I wanted to be healthier. I thought, if I can lose this weight quickly and safely, I should show others how to do it too! And God has blessed. The book has been reprinted numbers of times, and we've received countless testimonies from women and men who have been able to change their lives through the Accelerated Weight Loss Diet Plan," Pastor Deborah proclaimed. asked Pastor Deborah what advice would she offer to other women in ministry who may be challenged with maintaining their goal weight or having self-esteem challenges because of it, and she offered this encouragement:
"…Love yourself as you go through your process. Don't base your self-worth on whether you are in shape or if you look the way you want to look. Base your worth on the Word of God. We are all fearfully and wonderfully made, and yes, you may need to lose some weight - but don't define yourself by that. Speak positive! God gave us the power and the authority to frame our future! If we are not fit for ourselves, we can never be fit to advance the Kingdom. Do something every day to move yourself closer to where you want to be…", Pastor Deborah affirmed.
Blessed beyond measure with copious giftings and talents, Pastor Deborah has been the recipient of several distinguished honors and nominations. She is the executive producer of two Top 20 CDs, (including the Harvest Life Changers Church Mass Choir), she has been featured as a Top 10 Spiritual Leader in Upscale Magazine, and along with her wonderful husband, Pastor Lyle Dukes, was featured as one of the Gospel Industry's Hottest Couples in Gospel Today Magazine. Amidst a rigorous schedule, owning her own real estate company, Classive Realty, and an abundance of other responsibilities; by the grace of God, Pastor Deborah continues to amazingly maintain her "flow!"