Written by: Nichelle Early, Founder/Executive Editor
The adage "Great things come in small packages," seems to be the perfect colloquialism to describe Prophetess Sandie Freed. Her small stature is no disparity for the level of greatness and power God has explicitly deposited within her. Known for her "cutting-edge" prophetic ministry, Prophetess Freed navigates keenly in the spirit, hearing clearly from the Lord through an acute prophetic anointing while flowing fluently in the gifts of word of knowledge and miracles.
Poised with gentleness, goodness, and grace, Prophetess Freed has a devout passion to minister deliverance and life transformation to God's people. While ministering by way of divine authority, God uses her remarkably to release a powerful anointing of healing and hope to those who have been held captive. During our exclusive one on one interview, PreachingWoman.com asked Prophetess Freed what drives her passion for ministry and she had this to say:
"When I was in my twenties and again in my thirties, I almost died. And God used those two experiences to empower me, and I [too] love to empower people. I love to help people and see them fulfilled, walking in freedom and in power…and that is what drives my passion to minister…," said Prophetess Freed.
As our world is infused with spiritual wickedness in high places, God has equipped the Body of Christ with a company of effective prophets having the capability to discern these forces. Unmistakably evident upon her life, Prophetess Freed is among the number. God uses her incredibly to discern territorial strongholds and release churches and regions from spiritual assignments that withhold finances, deliverances, and breakthroughs. PreachingWoman.com asked Prophetess Freed how important is it for the Body of Christ to collectively understand and recognize these strongholds and she offered this explanation:
"We are facing one of the most challenging, but victorious hours in the body of Christ. We are dealing with ancient spirits that are being stirred up, [i.e.] Jezebel, Ahab, Anti-Christ, and other seducing spirits that lie and pervert the truth…it is very important that we recognize and know our enemy. We must understand that the devil is not going to [readily] identify himself, but what he does is seduce us to come into agreement with his lies, because he is a liar. And, therefore, we must utilize the spirit of discernment, the Word of God, prayer and other resources to recognize and pull down these strongholds," explained Prophetess Freed.
Coupled with spiritual discernment, God often uses Prophetess Freed as a modern day Joseph in dream interpretation. She is distinctively anointed in releasing and activating dreams and visions in order that God's plans and purposes are made clear and manifest. In addition to this gifting, God inspired Prophetess Freed to recently author a book entitled, Dream On, which is a testimony of God's divine ability to heal and restore through dreams and visions. As dreams are an integral part of most people's lives, we asked Prophetess Freed to offer us three benchmarks for those who are dreamers or desire to understand and interpret their dreams and she candidly advised the following:
- Develop your own vocabulary of symbolism - "Understand that no one book or resource contains all the symbols that may apply to your personal dream," she said.
- Do not force interpretation - "You must wait on an answer from the Lord. You should not force an interpretation. Sometimes, it takes a while before the full meaning is understood. You must be patient", said Prophetess Freed earnestly.
- Make sure that your dream interpretation is scriptural - "All your dream interpretations must be scriptural. The Word of God is your source for judging all interpretation," Prophetess Freed asserted.
Amidst her rigorous ministry schedule and personal responsibilities, Prophetess Freed is a highly sought after woman of God with a personal testimony that has ministered to thousands world-wide. She has been featured on various radio broadcasts as well as Daystar's "Celebration" program and "Life Today" with James Robinson. Paired with her notable interviews concerning Dreams and Visions are the many other featured programs God has birthed through her concerning Overcoming Eating Disorders and Generational Strongholds and Curses. When asked about her personal testimony of overcoming Anorexia many years ago, she implicitly offered this account.
"Years ago, I suffered with Anorexia. I had gotten down to about 78 pounds, and I had a face to face encounter with death. When I had this disorder, it was at a time when they didn't really know how to treat it. But God, delivered me from it, and now I have an anointing to discern, recognize, and deal with it in the spirit so that others may be set free from it as well," Prophetess Freed said. "
Co-laboring with her husband, Apostle Mickey Freed, they founders of Zion Ministries (www.zionministries.us). Together hey work illimitably doing the work of the Lord. Prophetess Freed is also the Founder and Director of the School of the Prophets and Apostolic Training Center in Bedford, Texas, where God allows she and her husband to train people in the use of all of the spiritual gifts, according to Ephesians 4:11-15, so that they may be "raised up and sent out" to do greater works. Additionally, Prophetess Freed is the founder of several other prestigious ministries that God has given her to include the "WIN Program (Women In Need)" and "PURPOSES." The "WIN Program" is pro-life ministry that exists to provide unwed mothers with whatever is necessary to facilitate and give them and their unborn babies life, to include providing housing at the illustrious Davis House. Separate, but certainly related, "PURPOSES" is a mobile ministry that helps people discover their true purpose, why they are here, and why God made them. Prophetess Freed travels all across the country with this program activating people into their own personal purposes in order for them to fulfill their God-given destiny. We asked Prophetess Freed to tell us why this unique ministry is so important to the body of Christ and she gleefully said:
"Knowing your purpose shows you how the enemy comes into your life to steal your destiny and defeat you. It is so important that we know our purpose so that we can fulfill our destiny," Prophetess Freed said emphatically.
Prophetess Freed is an accomplished author and orator. She has written several dynamic books to include Heaven's Voice, Breaking the Threefold Demonic Cord, Strategies From Heaven's Throne Room, Destiny Thieves, and many more paired with a multiplicity of powerful CDs, tapes, and resources.
Ordained with Christian International Ministries, founded by the world-renowned Bishop Dr. Bill Hamon, Apostle and Prophetess Freed both serve on the Board of Governors and the Board of Directors. Together they serve as the Mid-Southern Regional Directors of the Christian International Network of Churches, which is the Prophetic-Apostolic oversight for
In concluding her interview, we asked Prophetess Freed what she feels God would have her speak into the lives of women in ministry and she graciously answered with the following:
- "Many of us have experienced 'hope deferred,' however, 'hang on in there, we are at cross over time!" she said excitedly.
- "We must also know that anything that we have built ourselves, without permission from God, is getting ready to be torn down. God is examining what we have built [within ourselves], and is uprooting and building again. He is giving you new vision, His vision," said Prophetess Freed.
- "The Ancient of Days, who is God, is restoring the ancient ruins of your life. He is setting judgment against our enemy and He is restoring everything within us so that we will have a present hope!" Prophetess Freed declared.
Having been married since 1973, Prophetess Sandie and Apostle Mickey Freed have one daughter, Kim Putman. Kim and her husband, Matt, serve together in ministry with Zion Ministries. We asked Prophetess Freed what she would want people to know about Sandie Freed, the woman, and she lovingly tendered these remarks:
"I love to touch heaven and bring it to earth, packaging it in a way that people can understand it, be empowered by it, and gain life from it. I want people to know that I've battled and I've won and they can too. I also want them to know that I made it and they can too! Hang on in there!" she said persuasively, "It's crossover time!"