A profound question was asked which simply inquired, "What would you do if you knew that you could not fail?" Have you considered that question? If not, think about that for moment. What would you do? Well, let's ask the question a different way. "What have you been called to do, that you are not doing because you are afraid you may fail?" It has been said that God often calls the ordinary to do things that are extraordinary. And sometimes, when you imagine the end result of what God is calling you to, it can at times seem very daunting, or even impossible in your mind. However, can you agree that there's something different that happens in your spirit when God calls you do to something as opposed to anybody else asking you? It seems that no matter how hard you try to run from, or make excuses about doing it, the after-effect of God's call is unshakable. So, what do you do? How do you handle this?
PreachingWoman.com was afforded the exclusive opportunity to speak one on one with the incomparable, Evangelist Marissa Farrow (Evg. Marissa). She graciously accepted our invitation to be featured and celebrated on PreachingWoman.com and share her experience of accepting God's unshakable call and how you too can be bold, get past the fear, and embrace the call of God upon your life!
Herald as a young, dynamic and unique ministry gift to the Body of Christ, Evg. Marissa is taking the kingdom by storm. Preaching since the age of 14, presently 21 years old, God has graced her with a prevailing anointing, maturity and wisdom perceivably beyond her years. Branded with a dazzling personality and a sincere heart regarding the call of the Lord upon her life, Evg. Marissa is a highly sought-after young preaching woman in this hour destined to a great work and willing to go wherever God allows.
As a life-long member of the Mt. Calvary Free Will Baptist Church under the pastoral covering of her father Bishop Robert E. Farrow, and her mother, First Lady Jacqueline Farrow, Evg. Marissa has served faithfully on various ministries within the ministry and is currently active with the T.C. Youth and Young Adult Chorale. Beloved by many who attend the church, Evg. Marissa's life has been an open book before them as God continues to groom, mature, and release her to evangelize in this season.
PreachingWoman.com's founder, Evangelist Nichelle Early (Early), cherished the opportunity to speak one on one with this beautiful woman of God, (Farrow) wherein the joy of the Lord was exchanged during a very transparent and engaging interview.
Early: Evg. Marissa, thank you so much for speaking with me. I sincerely appreciate it! Let's jump right in!
How did you realize that you were being called into the ministry at such a young age?
Farrow: Well, I actually began speaking out at various churches at the age of 14...But I knew I was called on June 23, 2003. I was traveling on tour with the T.C. Youth and Young Adult Chorale and, that night during the service where we were ministering, I encountered a worship experience that I will never forget. It was so powerful. And during that experience, God spoke to me through a prophetic word. And I went before the Lord and I told Him, God I won't move until I hear from you. On that night, I answered the call of God by saying, "Yes, Lord!" Now, I didn't move quickly after that. I prayed and prayed until I knew it was God, because I honestly felt like I was too young. However, God assured me that it would not be of my own power or ability, but by His Spirit...And, the following year, my Pastor, which is my Father, came to me during a Good Friday service, I will never forget...and he told me that one of the speaker's scheduled was unable to attend and he asked me to speak in their place...
Early: Wow!! I know that had to nerve racking for you at that time...
Farrow: Yes, it was, because I felt like, who me? I'm too young, I can't do this...certainly not me, but my Pastor said, yes you! You can do it. So, that day, I got up and I ministered and God really blessed. And, since that time, I've been accepting ministry engagements...
Early: Wow! To God be the glory! That is awesome...Now you know some may ask, when did you do your initial sermon?
Farrow: I actually did my initial sermon on March 4, 2007. I preached a sermon entitled "The Unshakable Call!" from Jeremiah 1:4-9 and Psalm 27. And to be honest, it was more of my testimony than anything else, because I ministered about what it took for me to get here and how God will always lift up a standard in the face of the enemy. Because, the truth of the matter is, my Father is my pastor, and because of this, many of my mistakes and shortcomings were very much public, but God still called me and decided to use me for His glory! For that I'm grateful. God has truly been good to me in spite of it all. I really love the God we serve, He's truly awesome...On the day of my initial sermon, people came from all over the show their love and support. Twelve souls got saved; including my 11 year old niece and my cousin [also] gave her life to Christ, along with many others, and that was the most important part to me!
Early: Amen! You are absolutely right, winning the souls is the most important part...Now, you said something I want to revisit, because so many young people your experience as the pastor's child.
Was being a pastor's child have a significant affect upon you, and if so, what encouragement do you offer to other young people who are pastor's children serving in ministry?
Farrow: Well for starters, not only am I the child of a pastor, but my Father is also the Bishop of 16 churches, so honestly it did indeed affect me. People sometimes, maybe not intentionally, but, they sometimes treated me differently because I was the Bishop's daughter. And, that was something I had to learn to deal with. Unlike others, when you are the Bishop's daughter, you can't just walk away and leave the ministry. But I will say this; God will always help you through it. And, honestly, it's sometimes hard to stand before the same people that have seen your worst mistakes, but God is faithful that He will allow those same people to see your greatest successes!
Early: You truly are proving that you have an "Unshakable Call!" So what encouragement can you offer to the person that feels like they just want to run away from the call of God on their lives, or may be currently making excuses because of their age, young or old?
Farrow: Well, I have three principles that I live by and encourage others to live by and they are:
3.) Running away is detriment to you - When we run away from God instead of running to God, we set ourselves back. We also waste time. People are dying each and every day and we have to get on board with the plan of God in order for those souls to be saved. I know it may be scary sometimes, but you have to make up in your mind that you are willing to be different and do something different, in order to experience the glory of God!
Early: Wow! Those principles are absolutely powerful!
So, let me ask you this, you are very young, and you could be doing a lot of things, but you are a preaching woman! "What do you enjoy most about preaching the glorious Gospel of Jesus Christ?"
Farrow: Honestly, I enjoy the overwhelming feeling of knowing that I'm making a difference in people's lives; especially by having that opportunity to connect with them through the Gospel. When people make the decision to come to Jesus and they say "yes" and I'm the vessel that God has chosen to use, it just overwhelms me. It's one of the most humbling moments you could ever have in ministry!
Early: Yes! I totally agree and the feeling is mutual. It's nothing like knowing that what you say over the microphone has the power to impact someone's eternal decision for Christ! Winning souls is a part of the "unshakable call," because if winning souls is your focus, how can you ever turn back?
Farrow: That's true!
Early: So, Evg. Marissa, what is it that you believe distinguishes you from the next preaching vessel?
Farrow: Well, to be honest, all I can say is that I am a designer's original...{laughs} But, seriously, I've just been extremely blessed. God has called me while I am very young to carry a great responsibility of sharing the Gospel...I just turned 21 years old, and although I'm young, he has given me an ability to connect with people, especially young people...and to be honest, I don't know many people in my age group doing what God has called me to do and on the level that He's allowed me to do it at. He has opened many doors for me to speak for so many platforms across this country...often times, my father has mentored many great preachers and pastors, and allotted them an opportunity, and they now give me, a next generation preacher, an opportunity to share the Gospel and reach my generation and exercise my gift so that I can continue to grow in ministry. All I can say is that I'm truly blessed and grateful to God for what He is doing in my life! ---
Evangelist Marissa is a on a mission to impact and change a dying generation and shows no signs of slowing down! The mission of her ministry is "Preaching, Progressing, and Prevailing," which she says simply means, Preaching God's Word, Progressing daily in the Word, and Prevailing in Christ Jesus to a new level in God! Evg. Marissa says that it is her desire to do everything in the greatness of God in every area of her life.
Called throughout the country to many occasions, Evg. Marissa has an uncanny anointing that inspires an atmosphere of spirited praise, and anticipation for the Word of God. Many young people love her ministry because of her high energy, fun-loving, thought provoking, and down to earth style.
Presently, Evg. Marissa is pursuing her Bachelors in Theological studies at the Maryland Theological Seminary while observing full time ministry [www.MarissaFarrowMinistries.com]. As she is also really interested in completing her secular degree as a biology pre-med major with emphasis in dental hygiene, it appears that her steps have been re-routed. Accordingly, Evg. Marissa says, "I'm Going with God in this season to wherever He takes me!"
Coupled with ministry, Evg.Marissa along with Faith M. Reid is the CEO of Heiress Fashions, a Christian based company determined to impact the world through fashion and the love of God. The company was founded in 2008 and established in 2009 and will serve as a catalyst to draw young people to the faith and love of Christ.
Currently, Marissa Farrow Ministries is preparing for its National Youth Empowerment Conference, themed R.A.W. {Real Answers Wanted} to take place August 10-13, 2011 in Baltimore, MD. This conference will be three exciting days of power packed workshops to include a "off-the-charts" closing concert, all designed to give young people the answers they are seeking while allowing them to have a safe and conducive atmosphere to experience a real encounter with God amidst their peers.
Evangelist Early had a few last closing questions for Evangelist Marissa.
Early: We would be remiss if we did not discuss your parents, the Honorable Bishop Robert F. Farrow and the elegant Lady Jacqueline Farrow along with your siblings. What does your parents and siblings mean to you at this juncture in life and ministry?
Farrow: Wow! My parents mean the world to me. They've been such a great influence in my life. They've taught me a since of value and integrity. My Dad is like my rock; he pushes and presses me to be all that I can be in God. He provides me an opportunity to be who he saw in me even before I did! ...My mother is truly a woman of God. She has given me such wisdom and strength and I'm so thankful. She's the one that has taught me poise, dignity and a sense of pride in all that I do. I love my parents and appreciate them so much! I'm truly grateful to God for all that my parents are to me...and I have to say this, "My siblings ROCK!!!" I have one brother, two sisters, and one God-sister, but she's my sister as far as I'm concerned, and I love them all very much! I also have several spiritual brothers and sisters and co-laborers who help to push each other to the limits and evoke the spiritual gifts inside of one another who I am blessed to be amongst!
Early: ...Well, last but not least, Evg. Marissa, what do you want the world to know about you as a person?
Farrow: I just want world to know that I'm just an ordinary girl who likes to shop, go to amusements parks, and do all the fun things people my age do. But, more importantly, I love God with all of my heart. I understand that I cannot be superwoman, but sometimes I have a heart just to save the world. I believe and live by the fact that "there is NOTHING that is too hard for God". It's my goal to share with the world the blessings that God has given me in order for them know the blessings He has for them. For me, that's unshakable!