Before the foundations of the world, you were intentionally etched in God's thoughts. He considered what your hands would do for Him, what your voice would say for Him, and even where your feet would go for Him. God purposely contemplated how He would use you to reach out to those less fortunate than you. He even wittingly pondered how He would allow you to demonstrate His love on earth, amidst the trillions of other thoughts He had just about you. Once, He was done with all of His ideas, God decided your birthday, and many years later, here you are! Now the question is, are you available to Him? Are you available so that He can make all of His thoughts reality in your life?
With a passion to glorify God in all she says and does, Prophetess Kelly Crews (Prophetess Kelly) is quickly emerging as one of the most sought after prophetic voices in this hour. Known for her charismatic preaching style, 'nothing but the truth' message, undeniable prophetic anointing, and immeasurable love for God and His people, Prophetess Kelly is one of the most compassionate, down-to-earth, loveable people you could ever encounter. God has truly anointed her to minister the Gospel of Jesus Christ with grace and love, dividing asunder the spirits of mediocrity and complacency in order for people to experience the extraordinary manifestation of God's glory.
Ministering as a Servant, Mother, Prophetess, Author, and Psalmist, Prophetess Kelly is the founder of Kelly Crews Ministries. As a part of her ministry operations, God allows her to travel all over the nation preaching, teaching, singing and prophesying the Word of the Lord. With ministry assignments amidst some of the nation's most prominent pastors and ministries, Prophetess Kelly has committed her life to glorifying God by going wherever she goes. Accordingly, her personal life and ministry truly exemplifies the saying, "Lord, I'm available to you!"
PreachingWoman.com's founder, Nichelle Early (NE), enjoyed the privilege of speaking one on one with Prophetess Kelly (KC) and we are delighted to share the ministry of this beautiful woman of God with you.
NE: Prophetess Kelly thank you so much for taking time out of your busy schedule to interview with PreachingWoman.com! I am so excited to have this opportunity to speak with you!
KC: Thank you so much, the pleasure is mine. I'm exited too!
NE: Prophetess, I believe that you would agree that the prophetic is one of the most intriguing offices, gifts, or subjects discussed in and outside the Body of Christ. When did you recognize you were called to the office of the prophet?
KC: Well, to be honest, looking back over my life, I think that I've always experienced elements of the prophetic, maybe via dreams, thoughts, or other means. But, it was probably in 2002 that God really began to deal with me and teach me more concerning the office of the prophet. So, the more I studied God's Word, He began to use me to speak forth His Word wherever I was. It was a spirit of boldness that God Himself had given me and I began to be obedient and just speak what He told me to speak. And often times, it seems that God would use me to speak life into people at seemingly their worst moments. It didn't matter where I was, I could be in Burger King {laughs} and the Spirit of God would give me an impression and I would speak what God would tell me to say. I would tell people the truth of God's Word not matter what, not in the sense to cut or embarrass them, but simply to say what God has said about them and their situation. And, today, I'm still doing just that, speaking the truth of God's Word and what He has said!
NE: Amen! That is awesome, because people need to know what God has said!
Now Prophetess, for those that have been following your ministry, one of the central messages, coupled with that of the importance of availability, value and purpose, is the necessity of glorifying God. What does glorifying God mean to you personally?
KC: In my lifestyle, whether personal or public, I strive to live my life in such a way that God can get the glory out of everything I do and say. I desire that my life be a testimony that proves, not just to other women, but to all people, that no matter what I go through, God gets the glory...As we experience different trials and challenges in our personal lives or ministries, it is important that we show forth the likeness and love of Christ in order that we are His witnesses to those [especially unbelievers] that may be going through the same things we are. By being His witnesses, this is how God gets the glory out of our lives.
NE: Amen! I certainly agree. And in order to be His witness, we must be available to Him! And, one of your favorite statements is, "Lord I'm available to you!"
In your opinion, what does it mean to be available to the Lord?
KC: Well, Jeremiah 1:5 in the amplified version says, Before I formed you in the womb I knew [and] approved of you [as My chosen instrument], and before you were born I separated and set you apart, consecrating you;...I believe being available to the Lord requires us to make ourselves available to be instruments fit for God's use. In order to be His instruments, it requires us to be obedient, especially if you are a prophetic voice. The more obedient you are, plus your willingness to sacrifice and your personal responsibility to invest in the vision God has given you, positions you to activate the Word and mandate of God over your life. It also allows God to cause expansion to come into the atmosphere in order for you to move forward in faith. The result of this is action. And just like love is an action word, availability is also an action word. In this season, we must be committed to being available to the Lord.
NE: Prophetess that is powerful...So, can we talk a little more about your three (3) principles of availability?
KC: Yes, I believe three principles of availability are:
· Obedience - This is major, because obedience sounds the signal that God can trust you. I believe that the more obedient we are, the more the Lord will trust us with greater assignments and give us new territory. It is imperative that we move as He speaks.
· Responsibility to invest in the vision - This requires you to invest in the Word that God has given you and places the responsibility on you to birth it out. If God has given you a vision to birth out, you would not rely on a surrogate mother to birth the baby you are impregnated with. You have to have the mindset, that "if I don't do it, why would someone else do it for me?" You have to believe that you are your own best investment and as you invest yourself into what God has given you, you will certainly see a return.
· Take Action - This requires you to move forward and do all that God is requiring. Often times when action is not taken, most people don't ever see an extraordinary place of manifestation because of the spirit of complacency. In order to see expansion of our territory, we have to be willing to step out on faith. Faith without works is dead. Your faith + activation + action = manifestion. Manifestation is clear evidence of the promise.
NE: So Prophetess, you are a Mother, Preacher, Author, Psalmist, along amidst many other roles. Do you find it difficult to dedicate sufficient time to allow yourself to be available to God?
KC: To be honest, each facet, or role if you will, of my life plays a vital part in my availability to the Lord. For example, I'm a mother. My children are my priority. They are my family and they are my pride and joy. And, I believe that because God honors family and children are His reward, making them my priority enhances my availability to the Lord, because I'm regarding His Word and will. Therefore, I can't be all over the world preaching and not make sure that my children are okay. That would put me out of alignment with God's priority and will, which is family, because He established family first.
NE: Wow! That's a great perspective and should be adopted by others in ministry.
Now, I'm sure the roles of the many hats you wear do not come without their share of challenges. How does your ministry encourage others with like responsibilities to overcome the obstacles or trials they may experience?
Well, the mission and mandate of my ministry is to empower people to walk in the purpose God has created them for. So, my goal is to minister the Gospel so that they understand that there is no obstacle they cannot overcome. I want people to know that because God has called them, there is a greater place of abundance that He has for them to walk into. It's a place of value and greatness. Therefore, no obstacle can hold them back or down!
NE: Amen!
KC: Also, Psalm 139:14 says, I will praise thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made: marvelous are thy works; and that my soul knoweth right well. Therefore, my ultimate goal is to inspire and empower people to understand what God says about them, which is that they are fearfully and wonderfully made. I want them to truly see themselves as God sees them, and I want them to really understand their value by knowing that they can overcome anything and that above all they are 'priceless!'
NE: Yes! Speaking of "priceless," let's talk about your book, "Baby You're Priceless!" Why did you decide to write this particular book?
KC: Well, God gave me this book about 2 ½ years ago, and honestly, I wrote it out of a place of overcoming terrible low self-esteem. So, in writing this book, it was my desire that it would be published so that people would understand that they did not have to accept low self esteem, but that they would accept what God has said about them. I wanted people to understand that they are more valuable than the most expensive diamond that anyone could ever have. It doesn't matter what they've gone through, what kind of abuse they may have experienced, whether physical, mental, or sexual, nothing can ever diminish the value that they have in Christ Jesus. My goal was to write a book that would instill the principles of confidence, self-esteem and self-worth so that people could know that they could change their whole outlook about themselves and see themselves like God sees them.
NE: That's awesome! And that also goes along with knowing who you are and what voices you allow to speak in your life concerning who you are.
KC: That's true. That's why the prophetic voice is so vital to the Body of Christ. We must be very discerning about who we allow to speak into our lives. Unfortunately, there are so many people that have abused the prophetic voice and have tainted what God meant for His glory. However, we must yet be open to hear genuine prophets that have their ear to God's mouth and are willing to declare His Words for His glory.
NE: Amen! Well speaking of His Words, what do you believe God is saying in this hour?
KC: I believe that God is saying the time is "Now!" Isaiah 43:18-19 says, Remember ye not the former things, neither consider the things of old. Behold, I will do a new thing; now it shall spring forth; shall ye not know it? I will even make a way in the wilderness, and rivers in the desert. I believe that God is doing a new thing in our mentalities. Sometimes, we focus so much on what has been stolen from us in the past that we never focus on the newer things that God has for us now. We must get to a place where we are willing to embrace every good and perfect thing that God has for us now. God is trying to get our mindset to a place where we understand the expansion He has for us in the natural and the spirit now...
NE: Amen! And, I suggest that we all study Isaiah 43!
Prophetess Kelly Crews is submitted and ordained under the leadership of Pastor Donte L. Thompson, Founder and Senior Pastor of Victory Temple, Akron, OH. In addition to his guidance and leadership, Prophetess Kelly highly regards Pastor Ronald Ixaac Hubbard and Pastor Erik and Lady Amber Howard as instruments that God has used in the up-building of her ministry. Through the administration of Bishop Joey Johnson, Pastor of the House of the Lord, Akron, OH, Prophetess Kelly also attended the "School of the Prophets," an affiliation of Christian International Ministries, founded by Dr. Bill Hamon.
NE: Well, Prophetess, I know your time is limited, so in closing, let's talk about your children. I know you are the proud mother of two precious jewels, and you mentioned them earlier. Please share a quick word of about them!
KC: Well again, my children are my priority and they are my pride and joy! They are so very supportive of me and the ministry. One of the things I love about them is that they get very excited about all that God is doing in the ministry. While they help me and are with me in ministry, I don't overwhelm them with ministry. I give them options...For example; my son plays football and is being scouted by several different schools. He's graduating from high school with very good grades and I'm so proud of him...And my daughter, she is 12, and she is just so gifted, beautiful, and focused. She's my little princess. I love just love my children with all of my heart!
NE: That is just so sweet, Prophetess!
Last but not least, if there was anything you would want the world to know about you, what would it be?
KC: Nichelle, to be honest, at the end of the day, I pray that people would see that God has used me to impact people's lives in order to help them change for the better. I don't just want to be a noise in the Kingdom; I want to be a pure sound that would cause great impact.
NE: To God be the glory! Prophetess thank you so much for accepting this interview! I sincerely appreciate it!
KC: Thank you, I am so honored.
As a final note, Prophetess Kelly says that she has taken all the limits off of God. With several major projects on the rise to include her upcoming album, her Team Priceless Project, and much more, you will definitely be hearing more from Prophetess Kelly in the days to come. As she is continually giving God glory, Prophetess Kelly says the sentiments of her heart are simply this: "Lord, please don't ever take your Spirit from me, for I am nothing without you, and I am truly available to you!"