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Protect Your Voice!

In laying down some foundational truths about preachers, the Apostle Paul in Romans 10:14 asked this question: how can they hear without a preacher? On the heels of such a question, I further ask: and how can a preacher preach without a voice? If you've been ministering for some time, or you're just joining the ranks, then you know this statement is true: no voice, no preaching. And there's nothing more embarrassing for a preacher than to hear his or her voice going out in the middle of a sermon. So, know this my sister, your voice box is a very vital part of your body. It is this instrument that allows you to articulate God's Word so that His people can hear it and be edified in the faith. Therefore, at all costs, it is important that you be careful to guard and protect it; for it is one of those things whereby we say, "if you take care of it, it will take care of you." Find out how to protect this precious asset inside...
Protect Your Voice!

Written by Rev. Dr. Debora C. Hooper



In laying down some foundational truths about preachers, the Apostle Paul in Romans 10:14 asked this question: how can they hear without a preacher? On the heels of such a question, I further ask: and how can a preacher preach without a voice?  If you've been ministering for some time, or you're just joining the ranks, then you know this statement is true: no voice, no preaching.  And there's nothing more embarrassing for a preacher than to hear his or her voice going out in the middle of a sermon.  So, know this my sister, your voice box is a very vital part of your body.  It is this instrument that allows you to articulate God's Word so that His people can hear it and be edified in the faith.  Therefore, at all costs, it is important that you be careful to guard and protect it; for it is one of those things whereby we say, "if you take care of it, it will take care of you."  In an effort however, to avoid the terrible disaster of losing your voice, let me discuss a few ways in which to help you protect this most precious asset.


1.   Avoid The Devil's Tactic.  As a preacher, to protect your voice, do not allow the devil to trick you with thinking that how you preach is more important than what you preach.  Many preachers get caught in this trap only to later discover that they have put a severe strain upon their voices by using it in a way totally unintended.  Avoid this trap by being yourself and knowing the projection of your voice.  In other words, whether you have a soft or strong voice, don't strain it.  If you do, your voice will undoubtedly suffer from being overworked and will eventually result into voice loss and crackling.  Don't be ignorant of satan's devices! 


2.  The Elements.  Warm weather and cool breezes are always appreciated during summer months.  However, as a preacher, you must be careful to protect your voice in areas (churches) where the air-conditioning is extremely high, especially when directly over your head.  The same is true during winter months, where the outside temperatures are frigid.  Shelter your voice from cold environments by keeping a hat, shawl, or jacket handy.  In addition, it is always safe to refresh after ministering so that any pores that were opened through sweating can be closed.  To further enhance body sealing, have someone preheat your vehicle before entering so that you are not immediately exposed to the elements.  Lastly, try to drink beverages that are room temperature rather than those that are ice cold and in cold weather, seek to drink hot beverages to keep your throat warm and coated.


3.  Sound Systems.  All preachers have experienced being overpowered by either a sound system or musicians.  But taking them on by competing with them by screaming on the microphone is not the answer. Again, it will only result into another bad case of voice loss and eventually heart problems.  In the case of musicians, if you feel you are being drowned out; kindly signal them to turn the volume down on their instruments.  If the case is the sound system, signal the soundperson to turn you up on the microphone or if necessary, to turn up the volume in the monitors (speakers usually set near the pulpit).  Whatever you do, don't be afraid to ask for this courtesy, it could save the life of your voice!


4.  Rest up.  The best antidote I can give any preacher for voice effectiveness I learned from singers and that is, get your rest!  According to them, when the body and the vocal cords are well rested they perform at their highest and very best.  On the other hand, when rest is neglected, not only is the mind of the preacher not as sharp and alert, but the voice is weak and heavy as well.  Although most preachers mean well, this piece of wisdom is especially ignored when an unusual heavy ministry schedule is wanting.  Thus, be careful to get your rest; your voice depends upon it!


In closing, apply these few principles and you'll see that your voice will last for many years, leaving many years of happy ministry to come.  And remember my sister, because your voice is a vital part of your health, take care of your health, for truly we need to hear a Word from you!



About Dr. Hooper:

Rev. Dr. Debora C. Hooper is the Author of Hooper's Evangelist & Minister's Handbook and the Pastor of Greater Works Worship Center in Brooklyn, NY.  For ministry invites, questions and comments, reach her at debora.hooper@verizon.net or www.myspace.com/deborahooper. To receive upcoming ministry newsletters and information, join her email list at www.greaterworksworshipcenter.comor www.DeboraHooper.com