Over the past years in the Body of Christ there have been words radiating throughout the atmosphere regarding change: paradigm shift, reposition, birthing position, new door, new day, new wine, fresh oil, changing of guards, etc.
Many believers who have had their ears close to the heart of God have been preparing themselves in great anticipation for the new flow. Old ways of reaching this now generation have been revised. People with like passions and purposes are connecting and working together. Those who have lived and served God in secluded and exclusive structures are finally coming out of their locked doors to see who else is alive in the Body of Christ.
Several weeks ago, I heard the Lord say to me "It's time for the odds and ends to blend." As I sat quietly pondering the words in my spirit, I began to see a vision of patches of materials. In the textile and sewing industry there can be piles of unused yet costly fabric left in large containers or warehouses ready for quick purchases. They are called the remnant.
Each remnant piece comes from a larger bulk of fabric. However, it was cut off and not needed for a specific past project. Those pieces are still of value because they came from good sources. They are too costly to throw away. It takes the keen eye of an experienced designer to see the worth of that remnant. So he purchases it because it is the right fit, color, texture and design for the next project and new assignment!
The second word that I received from the Lord was "strengthen the remnant that remains." I envisioned the various swatches of materials coming together to form one large remarkable layout. It was different! It was new! It was not like the pattern of old. Odd yet connected! Unique yet profound!
This is the time for those with different backgrounds to join with others who do not have the same history. We must come out of our corners and learn how to blend in harmony with one another. The east and west must connect in the center with the north and the south. It's time to come out of hiding and view our likenesses and appreciate our differences!
This next move is not an individualized move. It will not render a spotlight on one personality. This new move is not promoting anti-social behaviors, arrogant dispositions or separatism in the Body of Christ.
The Bible says in I Corinthians 12:18 (NKJV) " But now God has set the members, each one of them, in the body just as He pleased. (vs.25)
"there should be no schism in the body, but that the members should have the same care for one another."
Are you ready to touch hands with your brothers and sisters across the globe? As leaders in the Body of Christ we must readjust our mind-sets and become humbled in our dealings and lowered in our approaches with one another. Paul said in 2Cor.8:8 "I speak not by commandment, but I am testing the sincerity of your love by the diligence of others. For you know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that though He was rich, yet for your sakes He became poor, that you through His poverty might become rich."
Are we different from our Christ? In Philippians 2, we find these words regarding Jesus: "Let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus"..."He made Himself of no reputation"..."He humbled Himself and became obedient."
Let's tear down the walls that divide us and cross over cultures, man-made borders, denominations and affiliations so we can build a stronger network and domain for the Kingdom. We may appear odd and strange to one another. Our ways will not be the same but I have something you don't have and you have something I lack.