Jesus was a very wise and selective person while walking the floors of this earth. He was neither insecure nor intimidated by those he befriended, served or even chose to work on His elite board of disciples. Jesus was strongly familiar with the ploys and employs of mankind. He was never caught off guard nor left with His mouth wide open in disbelief to an adversative behavior.
"Then Jesus replied, "Have I not chosen you the Twelve? Yet one of you is a devil!" (He meant Judas, the son of Simon Iscariot, who, though one of the Twelve, was later to betray him.)" John 6:70,71
Jesus was very aware of the potential aspects, the personality weaknesses and the purpose of Judas as a part of his cabinet. The traitor's role played a significant part in the climax of Jesus purpose. Every creature and everything have a purpose as it deals with the universal law of life. Ecclesiastes 3:1 states: "To everything there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven:"
Some of us may question the Master's choice in hand picking Judas as one of His chosen disciples. Did Jesus make a mistake in selecting the most qualified candidates for His Kingdom regime? No, He did not make any mistakes. Jesus understood all things that had to precede major moves throughout His earthly journey towards the cross.
Just as the angels herald the announcement of His birth, Judas' kiss of death sparked the spiraling events that led to His death. The deep loyalty of Peter, John, Mark and Matthew would have stopped the real purpose of Jesus' arrival to this planet. They would have prevented the occurrence of His Golgotha experience.
Peter was so full of emotions during the moments of the dirty kiss episode that he sliced the ear off of one of the high priest's servants when the militia came to arrest Jesus. Jesus had to intervene in the midst of His own personal trauma and quickly re-attach the soldier's ear to His head. He was still healing in the midst of adversity! Since Judas' heart obviously was unclean, he stayed consistent to his hidden motives and was led astray by filthy lucre until his assignment was done.
Jesus was well aware of His circumstances and the heart of the people surrounding Him. He knew it wasn't about killing others during the course of His treacherous journey. It was about Jesus becoming the sacrificial Lamb so that we could live!
Therefore, the title of the article is not "beware" of the dirty kiss but "be aware" of the dirty kiss. To "beware" meant that Jesus needed to be on guard, non-trusting and almost suspicious of those around Him. But to be "aware" means to be cognizant, alert and knowledgeable.
Are you aware of those closest to you? The bible tells us to know them who labor among us (1Thess.5:12) and to"watch and pray so that you will not fall into temptation." (Mark 14:38). Lastly, we are to "be self-controlled and alert. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour. (I Peter 5:8)
As present day disciples and leaders let's not throw up kisses to God in worship with dirty lips, unclean hearts, filthy hands and soiled feet. Be aware who God is! Our prayer should be "Lord give me a clean heart, so I may serve Thee. Lord fix my heart so that I may be used by Thee." (song by Margaret Douroux)