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Relationships: The Christian Man's Point of View

Are You Too Sensitive?

Have you ever been around someone who is so sensitive that you have to watch everything you say? This by itself can drive you crazy and destroy a relationship before it even has a chance to get started. Many people who are this sensitive have been hurt very bad in the past emotionally, and because someone else did not care about their feelings, they now respond to you with the same hurt they felt before. Read more inside...

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Are you too Sensitive?Are You Too Sensitive?

Written By Anthony Small

Have you ever been around someone who is so sensitive that you have to watch everything you say? This by itself can drive you crazy and destroy a relationship before it even has a chance to get started. Many people who are this sensitive have been hurt very bad in the past emotionally, and because someone else did not care about their feelings, they now respond to you with the same hurt they felt before.


This also goes for when you don't respond to them the way they expect you to respond to them. If you don't show the right amount of excitement when they tell you good news, they think you either don't care, or that you are not happy for them.


To handle this problem, you may need to deternmine the situation or cirmcustance that has caused them to react this way. When you figure this out, you must reassure them that you are not the same person that hurt them in the past and encourage them to forgive the person who did. The individual needs to understand that you are different, and that you are there to help not hurt them. This may take some time and patience, but only you can determine whether it is worth your time and effort and if it is the will of God for you to continue in the relationship based upon the perameters of His Word.


1 Corinthians 13:4 says: "Love is patient. Love is kind......."

It is only by applying what the scripture says which is to be patient and kind to your partner that you will help them to get over being too sensitive. Take your time with them and let them know how much you love them and that you are there for them through it all.


About the Author:

Anthony Small, contributing editor for PreachingWoman.com, is an entreprenuer that loves to write for the glory of God.  He is the CEO of PreachPastorPreach.com and TakeYourBusinessToTheNextLevel.com web design company.  Visit his website at http://www.TakeYourBusinessToTheNextLevel.comor http://www.PreachPastorPreach.com