Seize God's Rest, It's Yours!
Written by Nichelle Early, Executive Editor
Well, it's December, and it has been a pretty busy year, don't you think? It seems as quickly as 2007 started, we are now observing the close of it. This year has been a year of fulfilled promises, productivity, and forward momentum for many. And, for others, it has been a year of hurt, challenge, and struggle. However, in whatever situation you may have found yourself entreated with this year, this one thing I know is true, YOU are an over-comer! And, I am proud of you, but most importantly, God is amazed with you!
So here's what I want you to do: In this last month of 2007, December, "Seize God's rest, it's yours!" Now, some of you may be wondering, "How do I do that?" Well, let's take a quick look at what the Word of God says.
In Hebrews chapters three and four, God's rest is compared with the Children of Israel taking possession of the Promised Land. Now, the Promised Land was a place of freedom, fulfilled needs, and peace from the enemy. It belonged to the children of Israel as long as they made a decision to posses it! However, the Bible let's us know that unbelief and disobedience kept them from it.
What decision will you make? Will you decide to seize the Promised Land of abundance and peace? Or, will you allow the hustle and bustle of the holidays, unfinished projects, missed sales, and other holiday chores to keep you entangled in struggles, forfeiting the victory of God. In order to enter into the Promised Land and seize God's rest, we must simply trust God and obey His voice.
How do you come to that place of trust and obedience? By spending time with God, getting into His Word, and fellowshipping with Him in prayer. This is precisely how you will seize His rest. Face it, you don't have to make every sale this year, you don't have to attend every holiday festivity, or meeting. Take some time out and just rest and get to know our Lord more intimately during this season. After all, Jesus is the reason for the season.
So remember, "Seize God's rest, it's yours!" You deserve it. We have a big year ahead of us in 2008, and it is very important that you are well rested and prepared for what's to come. God has some great things in store for you. The Promised Land awaits your arrival!
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
Nichelle L. Early
Founder and CEO,