Prayer Will Fix It For You!
Written by Nichelle Early, Executive Editor
The other day, I was riding in my car, and I heard Beverly Crawford's song on the radio, "Prayer Will Fix It For You!" Now, how often have we heard that phrase througout our Christian lives? But, the more applicable question is, "Do we believe it?" And if so, are we praying in faith believing that God has his best in mind for us?
One of the things that I try to keep in mind when I pray is that prayer coupled with the Word of God and faith is really what fixes things. We must be intentional about studying God's word so that we know how to pray in faith and get the results of effective, answered prayer.
I can remember when I was younger, being in my bedroom, praying as hard as I could. I felt like the longer I prayed, the more impressed God would be with me. However, later, I found out that the truth of the matter is that God was looking for my faith, coulpled with His Word, during my prayer time, in order to fix all of my concerns. He was more concerned with the quality of my prayer than the quantity.
The Bible declares in Psalm 34:15 that God's eyes are over the righteous and His ears are open to their prayers. Therefore, because of our relationship with Jesus Christ, we are the righteous of God. When God sees us, He sees the atoning work of His Son Jesus! (Stop and Praise God right there!) So, in other words, God is ready, willing, and able to hear your prayers. The question is, will you pray about it? That matter that you are facing, have you prayed about it? If so, did you pray the word of God in faith? If you didn't pray, why not? We can not fix our problems on our own, but through prayer, God can fix it for you!
Understand, that when you pray, in faith, you tap into a place in God where things in your life that are out of line with God's will can be fixed. Permenantly fixed, that is. So, make sure to take out time each day to pray and spend time with God, He's waiting on you with an open ear!
God bless you!
Evg. Nichelle Early
Founder/Executive Editor