It's Time To Do Exploits!
Written by Nichelle Early, Executive Editor
We are, or should be, under the expressed understanding that we are not just here on earth taking up space. But, this mission that we are on, which I'll refer to as life (if you will), is a journey in which our primary assignment is to excavate all of the hidden treasures and desires that God placed in us at creation all for the purpose of getting him the glory.
Right now, whether you believe it or not, you are right on the edge of your destiny. You are so contaminated with the favorable plans of God, that you are just about ready burst at the seams! God is putting a demand on your purpose. He's putting a demand on all that He's invested in you. He's ushering you into a place that, often times, isn't an easy place, because some things, He's hidden so deep within you, it's like a splinter, and it's having to be picked out of you very slowly and methodically by a meticulous God.
And that's why you may be going through a little pain, suffering, or the feeling of being set apart. For some of you, the pressure seems so great, because there is a pressure that has to be applied in order to bring the what's in you to the surface in order for it to be exposed and picked out to be used for God's glory.
The Bible says in Daniel 11:32, "And such as do wickedly against the covenant shall he corrupti by flatteries: but the people that do know their God shall be strong, and do exploits." So, here's my word to you. It's time to do exploits!
Therefore, take a deep breath, embrace your challenges, and accept your development. But most importantly trust that as long as you know your God and practice His presence, you shall do exploits!
God bless you!
Evg. Nichelle Early
Founder/Executive Editor