Getting The Word Out: How To Market Your Ministry
Bringing people to Christ is the underlying purpose of the book "Getting the Word Out: How to Market Your Ministry." This, however, will not be easy to accomplish; but those of you who are about to read this book or participate in a seminar already know this. This is why we constantly search for techniques and ideas on how we might win souls for the Lord. Find out about this amazing book inside...
Bringing people to Christ is the underlying purpose of the book "Getting the Word Out: How to Market Your Ministry." This, however, will not be easy to accomplish; but those of you who are about to read this book or participate in a seminar already know this. This is why we constantly search for techniques and ideas on how we might win souls for the Lord.
Let us look to the Bible. Romans 10:14 gives the following guidance.
How then can they call on the one they have not believed in? And how can they believe in the one of whom they have not heard? And how can they hear without someone preaching to them. (NIV)
This book was written for the primary purpose of assisting those small-to-moderate size churches "get the word out" - telling the story about the good works they are doing within their congregations and their communities in order to bring people closer to God. I chose the tools of marketing and public relations-my chosen profession - and applied the principles of evangelism. I believe this to be my personal ministry.
If your church budget will not accommodate a staff member dedicated to the tasks of marketing and public relations, this book will show the public relations committee chairperson how to handle just about every marketing task needed. If your church has assigned the task of marketing and/or public relations to an associate minister who has no hands-on experience in this field, this book is the answer. If you are a seasoned public relations or media specialist working within your church, this book will provide you with a focus and a strategy for directing your skills to work within the church and its ministries.
And, of course, it does not hurt the pastor of the church to learn more about how marketing and public relations tools can assist in the growth of the church and simultaneously help people create a relationship with God.
Bunnie Jackson-Ransom
Bunnie Jackson-Ransom
About the Author:
Bunnie Jackson-Ransom received her master's degree from North Carolina Central University in Durham, NC and has over thirty-five years of hands-on marketing and public relations experience. As the president and CEO of First Class, Inc., an agency located in Atlanta, GA, she has worked with major corporations, local businesses, physicians and attorneys, retail products, entertainment personalities, political campaigns, non-profit organizations, and the individual client. She is the quintessential marketer; and she has developed an effective niche for church marketing and public relations - which she has perfected while working with and volunteering for churches over the last fifteen years.
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