Featured Preaching Woman
Affectionately known as Lady Jay by many of those who love and adore her, Rev. Jennell Riddick is a vibrant, energetic, woman of God admired for her humility, integrity, grace, and authenticity. With an undeniable passion for empowering women and young ladies, it is evident that God has called her to lead and be a "life changer" for today's generation.
Have you ever felt that as soon as you've decided to fervently believe God for something, out of nowhere comes every reason not to? Seriously, it seems that as soon as you get your faith tuned up to step out and believe God, all of a sudden things appear to go awry. Whether it's your intent to: accept your call to ministry; maybe decide to change jobs; reject a negative doctor's diagnosis; lose weight; buy your first home; or any other faith required feat; it looks as if there is always someone or something, whether it be a news report, economic downturn, or health condition, standing ready to shake your faith to the very core and cause you to abandon what you've decided to believe God for. Read more inside...
If there were ever a season in which we need to be spiritually vigilant, it is now. As we observe the political, economic, and social paradigms of the world, especially with regard to our nation, we are living in a time in which a clear and strategic stance by the Body of Christ is necessary. There is an eminent and clarion shift in the earth as it pertains to the plans of the enemy to advance his agenda, and the church must be postured through unity to "watch, pray, and respond." PreachingWoman.com has been favored with the exclusive opportunity to celebrate and honor the ministry of Dr. Rita Womack (Dr. Womack). Find out more about her inside...
How are you feeling? Are you excited? Perhaps you are considering many of the past events of last year. Either or, many people see this time as the perfect opportunity to "reset" or "reassess" their personal, spiritual, physical, and or financial goals. So how did you do last year? Did you keep and meet all of the goals and declarations you made last year this time? Well if you did, congratulations! If you did not, no worries, we have a word of encouragement just for you. Read more inside...
Perhaps you have heard the old adage that says, "Silence is golden?" However, is it always? There are times when silence is essential and even necessary. Conversely, there are also times when silence can be outright deadly, especially when it is in response to the millions of people all over the world who are hurting, hungry, and homeless amidst many other personal and socio-economic woes. Read more inside...
The path to greatness is a journey riddled with many complex twists, bends, and turns. In fact, it is one that if carefully followed according to God's plan, its end will result in fulfilling God's perfect will for our lives. However, often times, the mistake that most of us make along the way is that we forget that we are not on the path alone. There are many people and situations that we will encounter that are strategically designed to help us get to the next level along the course. How we respond to each of them will determine the length of the journey towards our personal greatness in God. Read more inside...
Have you ever experienced that feeling right in the pit of your stomach where you felt like something big was about to happen? You know, that feeling you get when you feel like you are right on the brink of something great? It's a funny feeling, because it can be exciting, but at the same time it can be daunting, because sometimes you just don't know what to do next. It's like you have this passion raging in your spirit, and one minute you just want to jump out there and get it done, but then a few thoughts later, mixed with a little fear from the enemy, you may find yourself questioning your ability to make it happen. Well, if that's you, today you are in for a big dose of encouragement! Find out more inside...
Have you ever experienced a time in your life when you were going along, enjoying your life, doing the work of the ministry, and all of a sudden something happened that shook you to your very core? You know, the kind of serious circumstance that you are not expecting, that seems to knock the wind out of you with the intent to kill the momentum and mission that God has given you; and, leave you hopeless and for dead. Perhaps it was a medical situation, a financial challenge, or even the death of a loved one. And at that time or maybe perchance you are experiencing this now, you said to yourself, "How can I make it? How can I recover from this?" Well today, you are about to find out the answer these questions and more! Read more inside...
Have you ever been at a place in your life where you felt like you just wanted to give up? Seriously, let's be real for a moment. Beyond the anointing, surpassing the length of your itinerary and your popularity, sometimes life has a way of dealing you some unexpected blows that will make you just want to throw in the towel. Have you been there? Yes. At some point, we all have. Especially, if you have seen any amount of success in your life you're bound to have had some times along your journey where the pressures of life, or the tactics of the enemy, have threatened to overwhelm and overtake you. However, understanding that kinds of circumstances are often cyclical, and while continuing to grow in God's grace, you may have learned by now that giving up is not an option. So, what do you do when things seem to unravel all around you? How can you keep going, in spite of how you feel? Read more inside...
Having watched your share of fairy tale movies, it is certain that you may have heard the old adage, "Mirror, Mirror, on the wall, who's the fairest of them all?" Sounds familiar? Well, fairy tale or not, in real life, this is a viable question that we should ask ourselves when we look in the mirror at ourselves, both spiritually and naturally. In fact, when you look in the mirror, who do you see? Do you see a woman that is fearfully and wonderfully made? Or, do you see someone that you find fault with, wish you could change, or feel saddened by? Do you see a woman that is free to live and enjoy her life? Or, perhaps you see a woman that, just like the four boundaries of the mirror, you feel boxed in and that there is no way out. Read more inside...