"In the past God spoke to our forefathers through the prophets at many times and in various ways, but in these last days he has spoken to us by his Son, whom he appointed heir of all things, and through whom he made the universe. The Son is the radiance of God's glory and the exact (image) representation of his being, sustaining all things by his powerful word. After he had provided purification for sins, he sat down at the right hand of the Majesty in heaven" (Hebrews 1:1-3 NLT).
Ladies! Many of us, if we are really honest with ourselves, love to look good! We get up in the morning, shower, and get dressed. But we cannot leave the house without accessorizing ourselves. We have to put on our 'smell good', as well as our jewelry, make-up, and carry just the right handbag before we hit the door running for what lies ahead in our day. We love to showcase who we are, because it defines our style and our individuality.
Would you also agree that we love Brands? Yes, Brands! When we shop, there's a certain style of shoe, or brand of clothing that we look for the most. And let's not talk about purses and handbags! Coach, Dooney & Burke, and Michael Kors can't get us out of the stores. Why? Because there's something about the quality of the bags that we gravitate to. Even if we look in our homes, brands are ALL around us. These are brands that we trust. We've used them, and can recommend those brands to others. We continue to use what we like the most.
But shouldn't that be the same thing we should say about ourselves as Christian women? We are indeed a Brand! When we gave our lives to Christ, we took on the brand of His nature; His image is within us and through us. Image is the Greek meaning for the word (charakter): an engraving or exact copy. God is looking for a character that can apprehend a greater purpose. A character that reflects the purposes of God is a character that warrants His Glory.
According to the Purpose Development Institute, having a Divine Purpose is like accessorizing your character with kingdom jewelry. It not only attracts the influence of God's Kingdom, but gives you the ability to attract others to the Kingdom. An accessory is an object or device that adds to the beauty or effectiveness of something else. It's the power of attraction that allows us to impact the world with God's Glory. So when we wake up each morning, we should commit to accessorizing not just our physical bodies, but our spiritual bodies as well-by inwardly looking at our character and infusing it with a greater sense of purpose!
· Does my character or image on the inside truly reflect what's on the outside?
· How can my brand attract the outside world? Does it influence others to the Kingdom?
· What could you do differently to truly keep yourself accessorized for Kingdom use?
Lily L. Jenkins is the Founder and CEO of Lily Jenkins Ministries and Vice President and Co-Founder of the Purpose Development Institute. Her role is to oversee all Certified Coaches to ensure that they are promoting the basic tenants of Purpose Development in their practices and that all satellite institutes are using training materials that include the basic tenants of the Purpose Development message. A woman with many qualifications, Mrs. Jenkins is a Certified Human Behavior Consultant, Christian Life Coach and the first female Certified Purpose Development Coach. She has over 14 years of teaching experience at all levels including the university level as a Professor. Read More Here...