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Ladies of Purpose

Love, For I Am Love!

There is too much hate in the world to not want to exude the love of Christ to others. Murder, racism, kidnapping, money laundering, and even the neglect and abuse many have given to their children, have shown that the enemy has had the upper hand over people for quite some time. Even our dealings with people-on our jobs, in the grocery store, and on the road has shown people's true nature-one that is full of flesh and less of the power of God to heal. Read more inside...
Elder Lily JenkinsLove, For I Am Love!
Written by Elder Lily Jenkins

Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers a multitude of sins. (I Peter 4:8)


There is too much hate in the world to not want to exude the love of Christ to others. Murder, racism, kidnapping, money laundering, and even the neglect and abuse many have given to their children, have shown that the enemy has had the upper hand over people for quite some time. Even our dealings with people-on our jobs, in the grocery store, and on the road has shown people's true nature-one that is full of flesh and less of the power of God to heal.


We must love! We must share the love of Christ to all of humanity, in word and deed. We never know when we may be in a situation, calling on people to help us, to forgive us, to lend an ear, or to be a shoulder to cry on in times of grief. Our turning the cheek towards ones that need us most doesn't show our compassion and mercy; it shows our ignorance. We must love, for God is love! (1 John 4:8)


Love covers every sin that we have committed because Christ showed His ultimate love when He took on the sin of this world, even though He Himself knew no sin. He laid it all on the cross once and for all, allowing all of us to experience His love in an exponential way. We owe that to Him and to all we encounter because it certainly could have been the other way-a life doomed to darkness, despair, and death, physically and spiritually.

So challenge yourself to love today! Be the first to give love, whether it is returned to you or not. Over time, your life and everyone in it will get the overflow of God's power to restore relationships, bond families, and impact generations because of the choice you made today!


Selah-(Think on These Things)

  • What is one way that you could exude the love of God towards someone today? Would it be in word or deed?
  • Lifting others in prayer is also an act of love. Name someone that comes to mind. More than likely, God is nudging you to pray for them today.



Lord, we need more love in the world today. There's so much around us that indicates just how much we need You, the God of love. Help us to be more conscious of giving that love to others, even when they despitefully use and abuse us. Let a change take place in the hearts of those who normally would not feel inclined to love. It is in the power of prayer where lives are transformed, renewed, healed and set free. We ask that hearts be mended so that they can once again love as You love us. We seek solace in this world that we know only comes from You. In Jesus' Name, Amen!


Copyright © 2012. Taken from the new book, There's Hope for the Weary: God's Promises Through Life's Greatest Storms, by Dr. Lily Jenkins. All Rights Reserved.


About the Author
Lily L. Jenkins is the Founder and CEO of Lily Jenkins Ministries and Vice President and Co-Founder of the Purpose Development Institute. Her role is to oversee all Certified Coaches to ensure that they are promoting the basic tenants of Purpose Development in their practices and that all satellite institutes are using training materials that include the basic tenants of the Purpose Development message. A woman with many qualifications, Mrs. Jenkins is a Certified Human Behavior Consultant, Christian Life Coach and the first female Certified Purpose Development Coach. She has over 14 years of teaching experience at all levels including the university level as a Professor. Read More Here...