Eve - as a fallen woman she still had discernment and when confronted with the facts of her fall - she did not blame her husband for not covering her as she truthfully could have because the scriptures clearly state that he was with her during the time of her seduction into sin. Rather she speaks truth when she says, "the serpent beguiled me" and because she spoke truth when she could have passed blame or finger-pointed - she becomes God's choice for warfare and the one prophesied and destined to do warfare in the spirit realm because it is the "SEED OF A WOMAN", that would come to bruise Satan.
Anna the Prophetess - She was a biblical figure who is mentioned in Luke. She had prophesied and God allowed her to behold "The Gospel" face to face. She had prophesied about Jesus. She declared His coming and then because she had been the oracle of God through the ages and because she was the visionary who had seen Him she was the right one to be used to authenticate His ministry, His Lordship and His Divine lineage and Destiny. She was an aged Jewish prophetess who prophesied at the Temple of Jerusalem. She was the daughter of Phanuel, a member of the tribe of Asher, she was widowed after seven years of marriage and she was a devout Jew who regularly fasted and prayed
The woman at the well went from the pits of promiscuity to the peak of preaching in one day. She went from being erotically dragged through life to being evangelism driven. Even though she was the sole reason the men of the city met Jesus, even at the hour of conversion they told her we don't believe because of you - we believe because we have heard him for ourselves. The funny thing is that when they get to Heaven, all of their names will be in her soul winner's crown. (Yes Women of God, our Heavenly Father does have a wonderful sense of humor ladies - He truly does. Don't worry about the credit - shoot to obtain the soul winner's crown!)
Junia - Romans 16:7 has recently become a scripture of great interest even though most women are not being told anything of it. In this scripture, the Apostle Paul salutes an apostle many theologians and scholars believe to be a woman because of the spelling and accents in the name in the original Greek. It is believed that the Latin scholars changed the spelling because of their belief that women were not to be admitted into the clergy but most theologians agree that she was among the chief apostles of Paul's time.
Mary the mother of Jesus, carried the Gospel in the natural and was among those who received the baptism of the Holy Ghost at the day of Pentecost. The purpose of the Baptism of the Holy Ghost was:
1. To be the Comforter after Jesus had ascended to His Father
2. To empower them to be effective witnesses in Jerusalem, in Samaria and to the utmost parts of the world.
If she didn't need comfort and if she didn't need power to witness and evangelize, why was she allowed to be there to receive the Baptism of the Holy Ghost?
Deborah - she serves as the head of Israel. She was served in three capacities:
1. As judge
2. As general
3. As prophetess
She was the undisputed leader of the Jewish theocracy. She sat under the palm trees of Deborah and judged the people. God caused discernment and prophecy to fall on her when she confronted Barak about his spiritual assignment. She told him that God had already spoken to him about confronting and conquering Sisera, the captain of the host of King Jabin's mighty army. Barak answers her in one of the most jelly backed responses in all of the Holy Writ. He tells her that God had spoken to him but he would go only if Deborah went with him but if she didn't, that he wasn't going. He teaches us that obedience with conditions is blatant disobedience to the will of God. It is then that she tells him that she will go with him but that the victory would go to a woman. According to the rules of warfare at this time, a victory was only had when the leader had been destroyed. This is why David and countless others in the Bible went into warfare because it was considered the greatest of honors to kill the leader of the opposing army.
Jael - the wife of Heber the Kenite. A woman who even in warfare does not forsake her lacy design. When Sisera is running from Barak he runs into her tent and commands her to give him water. She gives him something to drink but she doesn't give him water. Why? Water symbolizes the anointing of God, refreshing and revival. Instead she gives him warm milk. Warm milk calms and it puts to sleep babies and enemies. Warm milk symbolizes the Word of God and the Word works when you work it. When she got Israel's enemy in the right position the Bible says that she "approached him softly" but then nailed his head to the ground. She was feminine in her approach but ferocious in her warfare.