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Featured Book of the Month

"Proverbs 23:7 declares, "As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he...." The Hebrew word for thinketh is pronounced "shaw-ar" and it means: to split or open. This scripture captures the essence of God's purpose for humanity that reveals that we are the sum total of the thoughts we think. In other words, a clear indication of what and who we become is revealed in the way we think." Find out more inside...
In Spring 2008, Dr. Paula Price released The Prophet's Handbook: A Guide to Prophecy and Its Operation. In this book, Price addresses questions that have gone unanswered for years: How do prophets fit into the modern church? What is the difference between a prophet and a psychic? How do you determine prophetic credibility? Why do we need prophets if we have scientific reasoning? Look inside to find out more...
Ms. Johnson theorizes that many people in today's world struggle to recognize what truly genuine and loving partnership should be, and often sabotage their relationships as a result. ADDICTED TO COUNTERFEIT LOVE uncovers the destructive "love patterns" that women embrace and guides those same women to a "love experience"-the way God intended.