How to Discern and Defeat the Lies of Jezebel, Athaliah and Delilah
Three evil powers have joined forces to deceive you, rob you and imprison you in religious structures. It's time to fight back.
For years a controlling Jezebel spirit has seduced the unsuspecting, even in the Church. Now the destructive forces of her daughter, Athaliah and Delilah are becoming evident as well. The joining together of this "threefold cord" is the enemy's secret weapon - and it is gaining alarming momentum against believers.
Pastor Michel White-Haynes is the Founder and Pastor of the Greater Faith Temple Church of the Living God in the Bronx, N.Y. She carries an Apostolic mantle upon her life and has been called by God to be a covering for a number of ministries. She is the Overseer of Greater Faith Temple Ministry Alliance, [GFTMA] covering Greater Faith Ministries [Harrisburg, PA], Bountiful Blessings [Hempstead, NY], Greater Blessed Hope [Mt. Vernon, NY], GFT Living Word Ministries [Monticello, NY] GFT Rhema Christian Worship Center [Newburgh, NY] and Revelation Universal Worship Center [Summerville, SC]. Also part of GFTMA is Redeeming Hearts Ministry [Bronx, NY]. We believe that this is Pastor Haynes' season and we look forward to this alliance [GFTMA] expanding to include other churches and ministries in the very near future.