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The Destiny Diva!

Overcoming Negative Words From Others!

It is a joy and a blessing to once again greet my preachingwoman.com family. Last month, we talked about embracing destiny by overcoming poor self esteem. This month, we will focus on the similar topic of, "Overcoming Negative Words From Others." I am a fairly young woman, and those of you from my generation can probably relate to the adage that says, "Sticks and stones may break my bones but names will never hurt me." Lord, I don't know who created that quote but I have found that to be so not true. Words have so much power, and as Christians, we need to be very cognizant of and selective about the things that we allow people to speak into our lives. This also holds true for our children because they will take on whatever attributes we speak into them. Read more inside...

Pastor Alonia JerniganOvercoming Negative Words From Others!

Written by Pastor Alonia Jernigan


It is a joy and a blessing to once again greet my preachingwoman.com family. Last month, we talked about embracing destiny by overcoming poor self esteem.  This month, we will focus on the similar topic of, "Overcoming Negative Words From Others."  I am a fairly young woman, and those of you from my generation can probably relate to the adage that says, "Sticks and stones may break my bones but names will never hurt me."   Lord, I don't know who created that quote but I have found that to be so not true.  Words have so much power, and as Christians, we need to be very cognizant of and selective about the things that we allow people to speak into our lives.  This also holds true for our children because they will take on whatever attributes we speak into them.


For example, my oldest two children are ages 17 and 14 ½.  When they were toddlers the two of them were a force to be reckoned with.  We lived in Lithonia, Georgia when they were growing up and one family friend used to call them "The Lithonia Wrecking Crew."  I even found  myself calling them "The Too/Two Live Crew."  But alone, my son was more than a handful.  While I would not consider him to be a "Bae Bae Kid," I still spent a lot of time at his schools making sure he was not in trouble.   Long story short, he did simple things that most little boys would probably do; he just could not keep from getting in trouble in the process.


But no matter what happened, I never labeled him (nor my daughter) "bad."  In fact, there were many times when I would call out to them to do certain things.  Instead of saying, "Come here, James," or "Come here, Kori," I would say things like, "Come here, Precious.  Come here, Sweetie."  I would continue and say things like, "Oh, you are sooooo smart. You are such a gentleman.  I'm so proud of you."  Now, I'd be lying if I said I was always speaking the truth when I said these things.  I really thought of it as my way of speaking things that were not as though they already were.  You see, I knew that if I continued to say positive things to them, eventually they would take root and grow.  At the same time, I also knew that if I said negative things to them, they would take root and grow as well.


There were many times I could see the latter behavior in action.  Parents would say (within the child's hearing), "Lord, that boy knows he is bad."  Well, in Johnny's mind, he had to live up to whatever his mama said.  So, he began to think, "Mama says I'm bad, so I'm going to be just that."


Now, only in a perfect world will we find that people will only speak positive words into our lives.  Although I wish things could be different, the truth of the matter is that it's just not going to happen.  This is why we have to draw on the power that we receive from the Word of God, what I would consider to be THE biggest self esteem booster.   I love to hear Joel Osteen open his broadcasts and say, "This is my Bible.  I can have what it says I can have.  I can do what it says I can do."  And because we know that all scripture is the inspired Word of God, I would take Pastor Osteen's words a step further and state, "I am what God says I am."


So regardless of what negative words come your way, let the Word do the work and speak on your behalf:

·         When the haters say you are ugly, remember that the Word says you are fearfully and wonderfully made - Psalm 139:14.

·         When they say you're a failure, remind them that according to Romans 8:37, you are more than a conquerer.

·         When the words, "You'll never do that," keep resounding in your ears, shift your listening to the reality of Philippians 4:13, which says, "I can do all things through Christ which strengthens me."

·         When you have heard the words, "Nobody loves you," so many times that you feel yourself starting to believe them, remember Jesus is so madly in love with you that He laid down His life just for you, according to John 3:16.

·         When you hear the words, "You'll never amount to anything because your mother was a failure, your father was a failure and you are bound by the curse," hold your head up high and remember that whom the Son sets free is truly free, indeed, per John 8:36.

·         When you are led to believe that there is no plan for your life, stand reassured by the words from Jeremiah 29:11, "I know the plans I have for you, saith the Lord, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end."


Remember, beloved, God's desire is for you to win.  And as long as your ways please God, even your enemies will be at peace with you.  When your ways please the Lord, you can count on your heart's desire being given unto you.  Do not allow the negative words from others block you from going towards your destiny.  I look forward to hearing the praise report!


Pushing You Toward Destiny, I am

Pastor Alonia Jernigan


About the Author

Alonia Jernigan is an Atlanta-based award winning journalist, as well as an author, pastor, entrepreneur and destiny coach. She is known as an excellent writer, captivating and witty speaker and challenging teacher/trainer.  For more information, visit her online at www.AloniaJernigan.com or www.Dream2Destinyonline.com.