Featured Preaching Woman
Have you ever dared to reach for the vision resulting from your personal hopes and dreams only to find that as you walk by faith an insurmountable mountain seems to stand right in your way? While doing all that you know to do, have you encountered some dark moments, days or seasons that just didn't seem to be fair? Well, you are not alone. While doing great exploits for the Kingdom of God, undoubtedly we all will endure some difficult and challenging situations in our lives. However, some feats are necessary in order for us to overcome as triumphant vessels of God's grace. Read more inside...
Life is a journey. We see that when we look at the life cycle of the butterfly. It transforms and is reborn with wings imprinted with various colors. Perhaps we all have butterfly moments. That's exactly what happened for Rev. La Tonia Taylor. She graciously accepted our invitation to be featured on PreachingWoman.com and allow us to explore a "portion" of her story of reinvention, renewal and reclamation on her personal journey with Jesus, to Muhammad and back to Jesus again. This full circle represents both her life and now her work in ministry...Read more inside.
Is God showing you greater and more for His purpose and your fulfillment? Do you see wider and deeper as you embark upon the horizon of your next-dimensional vision? With all that you are already committed to faithfully, you may ask yourself, "is there really room for more?" Well, we are here to encourage you that there is room for more. And, you do have the capacity to see more, give more, experience and be more. Even with a day to day life that seems "stretched" to the limit, now is the time to prepare and enlarge the tent of your territory.