Perhaps you are in search of greater effectiveness and fruitfulness, but yet you are in the dark as to how to accomplish it. Maybe you have made many attempts to share Jesus with others outside of your church or in the marketplace, but your efforts appear to have produced little fruit or maybe even seem counterproductive. Well, today we're helping you cultivate a new hunger for souls, by celebrating this month's featured preaching woman, Pastor Judy Shaw. We are forever delighted that she kindly accepted our invitation to be featured on PreachingWoman.com
Now you may be wondering, "Who is this beautiful woman of God?" Well, it is our privilege to introduce to some and present to others, Pastor Judy Shaw. She is a highly sought-after international speaker with an uncanny apostolic anointing to advance the Kingdom of God. Through the love and grace of God, she has commanded the attention of audiences all over the world for the past 22 years sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ.
Serving as Founder and Sr. Pastor of Center of Life Church International, a thriving multi-ethnic fellowship nestled in the heart of downtown Sioux Falls, South Dakota, Pastor Judy is considered to be one of the most insightful, powerful and compassionate women of today. God has given her a unique anointing to boldly confront the "Philosophies of Life" that would compel people to thwart their God-given liberty and guide them on a loving journey of exposing their personal issues to the light of the truth.
When asked by PreachingWoman.com how God has allowed her to successfully bridge the gap between the different ethnicities of the people she pastors, here is what she expressed to us.
"God has given me a focus of bringing unity thorough diversity," said Pastor Judy. "If people are really going to connect with each other for the purposes of advancing the kingdom, it is imperative that it is done spirit to spirit. We must be intentional about breaking through the modern resistances that would seek to keep us divided ethnically within the Body of Christ," Pastor Judy explained.
Having been in involved in the birthing of several churches and ministries for decades within the states of New York and South Dakota, initially serving alongside her father, Bishop Carl Roberson, it is evident that Pastor Judy carries the apostolic call of God upon her life. So, we asked her to share with us three important points that she thinks people should understand about the ministry of an Apostle and here's what she offered us:
- "The apostolic anointing is really a parenting anointing. It is one in which spiritual mothers and fathers birth new Christians and ministries with a deliberate intent to conquer the next piece of enemy territory."
- "The term apostolic really means to go beyond the walls of the church. Confinement is a strategy of the enemy designed to prevent us from going outside of our 'safety zone' to where God wants to take us in order to share the gospel with the lost for his glory."
- "The apostolic anointing dispels confusion, because it's not based upon our own works or methods of persuasion regarding building ministry, but on the Holy Spirit's ability to reveal ministry opportunities and the works necessary to be effective."
Additionally, we asked Pastor Judy, how she personally recognized her call to the apostolic ministry and she shared this with us.
"Looking back, I have always been a pioneer, desiring to go beyond the walls of the church. And, as I began to fellowship with other apostolic leaders, it was evident that we had the same spiritual DNA. So, in my quest of seeking and trusting God concerning his purpose for my life and ministry, many seasoned men and women of God prophesied and confirmed the apostolic call upon my life, Pastor Judy explained.
In addition to her pastoral leadership, God has blessed Pastor Judy with the exceptional opportunity to travel as an itinerant evangelist and ambassador of his Kingdom preaching the gospel all over the world for over 15 years. She's traveled extensively to more than 20 foreign countries speaking before presidents of nations and to audiences as large as 25,000 releasing a "Now" word to all that will hear. When asked by PreachingWoman.com how God has allowed her to shift cultures and change nations, here is what she had to say.
"The renewing of the mind is always how God transforms our clarity. Each time I step into a new place, I ask God for discernment on how to minister and deliver His message so that the hearers have a clear understanding of what He is saying. I believe that if you can change the mindset, you can change the culture, and therefore, impact the nation," said Pastor Judy.
Deeming education to be one of the most important spheres of influence, Pastor Judy is a graduate of Bryant and Stratton College, Buffalo, N. Y. and Houghton Bible College. She has also attended the School of Management at State University in New York.
For over 15 years, Pastor Judy has been a Licensed Realtor in Sioux Falls, SD where she has resided for 23 years. She is actively involved in the community, where she has served 2 terms on the city's Commission Board, 3 years on the County Commissioners Diversity Board, as well as holding a position in Human Relations as a liaison person for the city. PreachingWoman.com asked Pastor Judy how important is it for women, especially those in ministry, to be involved in their community and she offered us this explanation: