Has life ever confronted you with challenges that made you wonder how you would have the strength to live another moment? Have you ever experienced a pressure so great that you've felt like you've missed the mark and it's all over? At one time or another, we've all had those feelings. However, the question is, "how do you navigate the emotional pitfalls of the enemy and recognize that truly, "it's not over?" Well, we have been favored with the exclusive opportunity to talk one on one with Elder Sharon Grant of the world renowned church, The Potter's House, Dallas, TX. She gallantly agreed to be featured on our site and encourage us that, "It's Not Over, It's Just Begun!"
Demonstrating a gentleness and grace matchless by many, Elder Sharon Grant overwhelmingly exudes the dynamic strength of God. Adorned with an uncanny confidence and an awe striking anointing that is unmistakably birthed from depths of the presence of God, Elder Grant is on a mission to reach those who are broken-hearted, despondent, and perplexed, and usher them out of the desolate places into an abundant life in the Lord Jesus Christ. However, Elder Grant will be the first to tell you that this mandate is not without indelible personal experiences that have paradoxically broken and mended her own heart to equip her for the undeniable, relentless call of God upon her life.
August, 1997, Elder Grant publicly acknowledged her call to the ministry. We asked Elder Grant, to share with us what that step was like, and here's what she explained:
"That was a 'scary moment,' if you will…because I'm one that can not handle thinking that I've hurt God. So, I was very intentional about making sure that I heard from him. And through prayer and confirmation by way of a prophetic word… I said yes!"
However, a few years after saying "yes," on November 6, 1999, Elder Grant would experience a personal circumstance that would change her life forever. The Lord expeditiously called her husband, the late Rev. Terry Grant, home to glory. Life as she knew it would end. In her mind, "it was over." We asked Elder Grant to speak to us regarding how to navigate through life's darkest moments, without losing heart, and she candidly offered this response:
"In order to be who God has called you to be, you must be broken…The death of my husband facilitated my transition of brokenness before the Lord…I can remember, in January 2003, hearing my pastor, Bishop Jakes, preach a message called, Breaking Point…I truly felt like I was at my breaking point. But, [overtime], I began to see that God changed my life for the good through this most heart wrenching experience…because it is through this experience that I am able to minister to the broken-hearted and to those who have lost sight of their purpose, " said Elder Grant.
So, we asked Elder Grant, "What advice do you have to offer to women in ministry who may have gone through a similar circumstance as yours, or who are experiencing a broken heart due to personal loss and circumstances?"
"Have your moment…but keep thinking of the goodness of Jesus. Continue to hold on to what God has promised you no matter what. And most importantly, when thou are converted, strengthen your brother, and remember, it's not over!" she said firmly. Elder Grant additionally offered these points of interest:
1.) Read the Word of God - 'the word of God gives you the breath to live another moment.'
2.) Remember, God is the keeper of your soul.
3.) Know with assurance, that God has not gone anywhere - 'God is with you in your darkest moment.
4.) Consider that God knows the plans He has for you!
5.) Remember, it's not over, it's just begun," encouraged Elder Grant.
Hailing from Atlanta, GA, ministry has been an engrafted part of Elder Grant's life from the very beginning. Reared under the watchful eye of loving parents, Pastor and 1st Lady Thomas Ashford, of the New Jerusalem Missionary Baptist Church, as a "pastor's kid (PK)," Elder Grant observed first hand the enormous demand that ministry places on your personal life, so she's no stranger to the hard work and perseverance that is necessary to be effective in ministry. She memorably recants how her parents made great sacrifices for the sake of the work of the Lord; visiting hospitals, praying for the sick, and ministering to the poor and broken-hearted amidst numerous other obligations. At that time, she did not figure that she would also be called to such a life of ministry and servant hood, especially to those that feel bewildered and forsaken. However, God did.
As we understand the challenges that many pastor's kids face, especially upon their decision to accept the call of God, we asked Elder Grant to talk to us from the perspective of being a "PK" embarking upon personal ministry and provide us with some essential principles of doing so and here is what she had to say:
"First, I must say that I have the greatest parents! And, being a pastor's kid entering into the ministry afforded me the covering of being protected as a minister, and as a biological daughter, which is very special…and if I could offer three principles, in particular for those that were raised as pastor's kids, and now embarking upon their own personal ministry, I would say:
1.) Learn from those who have walked before you- Always listen to wise counsel, this will help you avoid a lot of hard places.
2.) Guard your heart- Sometimes, people will attempt to attach themselves to you because of the call of your parents, status, and other motives. And often times this can be hurtful, but you must keep a pure heart.
3.) Be who you are- You do not have to imitate anyone else. God created you to be unique. You are peculiar and that makes you special, said Elder Grant."
In October 2002, God allowed Elder Grant, along with her beautiful daughters, to relocate to Dallas, TX, where they became members of the world acclaimed church, The Potter's House, pastored by Bishop T.D Jakes. It was there that the Lord really healed Elder Grant from the hurt and pain of her loss, and confirmed His hope in her. Shortly thereafter, in November 2005, the Lord allowed the irrefutable call of God on her life to be acknowledged as she became a servant on The Potter's House ministerial staff. In 2006, God also favored Elder Grant as she became an instructor at The Potter's Institute. There she teaches courses such as Prayer and Fasting, as well as Practical Discipleship. Additionally, Elder Grant is a 2007 graduate from the Lay Helper's Counseling program at The Potter's House and was certified through the American Association of Christian Counselors. Currently, Elder Grant is actively pursuing her Master's of Divinity degree at Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary in Fort Worth, Texas.
Today, Elder Grant is an immaculate example of one whom God is allowing to categorically impact and change a generation. Her bold presentation and uncanny teaching ability has enabled her to minister to various denominations and organizations throughout several states. While unwaveringly focused on supporting the mission of her church, Elder Grant says that one of the greatest joys of her life is teach and preach the Word of God until someone's life is changed, and they know that, "It's not over, it's just begun!"