Just in case you haven't encountered the potently apostolic and prophetic ministry of Dr. Aretha Wilson and her compelling testimony, let us share it with you.
Dr. Wilson is a strong voice in the Kingdom called to unequivocally declare the word of truth with authority and power. Yielded in this hour as one of God's choice vessels, Dr. Wilson is anointed and equipped by God to accomplish a great mission----to bring Reformation and Restoration to the Body of Christ under an Apostolic and Prophetic mantle. Undoubtedly, she is qualified to fulfill such mandate as she knows first hand God's amazing ability to reform and restore.
Over 19 years ago, God freed, repaired and restored Dr. Wilson from the yoke of drug addiction. Already active at that time in evangelistic ministry, she fell from the pulpit to a life of drug dependency and violence in the streets. According to Dr. Wilson, "I was backslidden to what I thought was beyond repair. I thought I would die out there. The reality of that [restoration] has given me such a strong faith and confidence that God can restore anyone and anything."
Cherishing her relationship with our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, Dr. Wilson will be the first to tell you that it is only because of His love, grace and the revelation of "sonship" that she has been able advance the
PreachingWoman.com asked Dr. Wilson to explain to us her definition of "sonship," and she offered this explanation:
…"According to 1 John 3:1, we are the sons of God. Therefore, when we receive Jesus, we receive the greatest position on earth---the movement and position as sons of God. However, many of us are saved, but yet suffer from an identity crisis because we do not fully understand, celebrate, or walk in our "sonship". We fail to properly acknowledge who we are in Christ… We must not lessen the value or significance of being a son of God, because it is by virtue of our identity as sons that we relate to God as our Father. Therefore, as we relate to God as sons and function as His heirs, we are able to release His life and love to everyone around us."
In addition, Dr. Wilson shared with us how she evaluates her personal journey from the past to where she is now as she embraces the revelation of "sonship".
"One thing that God has taught me is the importance of being progressive. I can never say that I have arrived and this is it! Getting off of drugs, getting saved and witnessing to the masses about salvation is not enough. At each level, stage and point, I've learned to obey God, remain open to change and keep an attitude to learn and grow and never settle and get stuck". Dr. Wilson added, "It is important to turn your pain and disappointment, including loneliness and failures, into power through the grace of God."
As President and Founder of R.A.W. International Ministries (Remnant Affecting the World for God's Glory!), Dr. Wilson is well on her way to fulfilling the mandate God has given her. Evidenced by her annual ground-breaking conference, the R.A.W. International Gathering, taking place February 19-22, in Uniondale, NY, Dr. Wilson is laboring to bring sound truth and deliverance while transcending denominational and generational barriers for God's glory. The conference, in its 15th year, has evolved into a prophetic gathering of believers, held on neutral grounds, to attract thousands to do the will of God, stir up the gift of God and bring deliverance and healing. Dr. Wilson strongly desires that this year's attendees recognize the inheritance left on earth by those who have gone on ahead to glory. She says, "it's our time now, we must receive fresh manna while embracing and establishing legacy."
God has blessed Dr. Wilson with a distinctive international voice for the end times. We asked her to share with us what she believes the world needs to see and know regarding the Gospel of the Kingdom in this hour:
"The world needs to know that there is a personal Jesus. God wants them to have a real relationship with Him. People are becoming less sensitive to a real relationship. But, what they need to know is that 'God gave His best, for the worst of us, to bring out the greatest in us.' The earth is yearning for the manifestation of Jesus Christ and we are the sons of the kingdom to introduce them to a greater way."
Serving under the covering of Apostle Halton (Skip) Horton and the Seven Thousand More Covenant Fellowship, Dr. Wilson is a pastor, author, publisher, mentor to leaders, conference and television host, and fifteen-year veteran Bible instructor and educator. Apostolically commissioned, God has entrusted Dr. Wilson to oversee ministries both nationally and internationally. She is the pastor of Humble Heart Fellowship Ministries, Jamaica, NY and the spiritual covering of New Life Deliverance Ministries, Hamden, CT; Kingdom of God Bible Ministries, New Rochelle, NY; True Vine Fellowship Ministries, Twenty Nine Palms, CA and Palm Desert, CA and Judah International Ministries, Decatur, GA. In addition to such weighty responsibility, Dr. Wilson is the president and founder of the Kingdom Ambassadors Bible Institute, an institution of higher learning, training and equipping the saints for kingdom work. She has also served as a board member and remains an affiliate of Churches United to Save and Heal (C.U.S.H.).
PreachingWoman.com asked Dr. Wilson what treasures can women espouse as they endeavor to carry-out some of the same responsibilities she has. Dr. Wilson offered three points…
- 1.) "Don't be conscious of your gender… Accept the reality that the seed of greatness and success is embodied in you. Your God given greatness is not an option; it is your God given mandate. Discover, respect, obey and walk in it."
- 2.) "Strive to remain focused on your God given assignments despite challenges."
- 3.) "Persevere and pursue with great conviction what you've been set on earth to accomplish and lastly cause your disappointments in life to become a ladder towards your greatness."
Dr. Wilson has traveled extensively throughout the United States and abroad ministering in revivals, conferences and seminars, delivering a challenging and impacting word of the Lord. She has been a featured guest on the Trinity Broadcasting Network (TBN) and has a weekly telecast entitled R.A.W. Truth on The Word Network and Streaming Faith.
Dr. Wilson holds a Bachelors of Religious Education, Masters of Divinity, and a Doctorate of Sacred Theology. She is also the author of two fast selling books, Exposing the Spirit of Acquarius and Sonship, Weight & Glory (featured on our Bookshelf page).
Lastly, PreachingWoman.com asked Dr. Wilson what she believes God wants us to know for 2009:
"This is harvest time! It's harvest time in the life of the church, believers, and for souls. There is a great harvest on the inside of every believer which includes personal reward, the harvest of destiny and the harvest of greatness. It is time for us to bring forth the harvest in our lives. We are created for God's purpose and pleasure to do His will and live out the destiny that God has planned for us and finish the work He has given us to do (John 4:34), said Dr. Wilson convincingly.
Dr. Wilson attributes her great love and compassion for souls, not only to her own course of life preparation, but also to her former Pastor, Dr. John H. Boyd, her parents the Late Rev. Frederick and Mother Annie Wilson and the Late Mother Estella Boyd. Through the power of the Holy Spirit and with these faithful witnesses as examples, Dr. Wilson continues to walk in truth, humility and integrity. Her favorite confession is, "I have chosen the way of truth." And, all of this is the "R.A.W. Truth!"