Are you ready for more? "More of what," you may ask? Well, that depends on you! Do you realize that God wants to give you so much "more" beyond what you have today? Are you aware that He truly wants to enlarge your territory in order for you to advance His Kingdom? Yes! God wants to give you more spiritually; more regarding your faith, finances, family and future. Most of all, God wants to give you more of Him. The question yet remains, are you ready for more? If your answer is yes, then today is the beginning of the best days of the rest of your life!
PreachingWoman.com's Executive Editor, Nichelle Early, cherished the opportunity to speak one on one with the incomparable Pastor Monica Haskell (Pastor Monica). This remarkable enterprising woman is literally taking the nation by storm for the Kingdom of God as she is unapologetically living in the "more" overflow of God. We are excited that she graciously accepted our invitation to be featured and celebrated on PreachingWoman.com and share you too can live in the "more" overflow of God!
Boasting an infectious smile, vivacious personality, and a heart as pure as gold, Pastor Monica is on a mission to inspire people to live radically transformed, exceptionally fulfilling lives of significance. Known for delivering a high impact, energetic message and for her incredible gift of faith, Pastor Monica has an anointing to shift people from the places of desolation and mediocrity into a desire for the "more" of God. One encounter with Pastor Monica will leave you encouraged, enlightened, inspired and empowered.
PreachingWoman.com founder Nichelle Early (NE) asked Pastor Monica (PM): Where do you begin in order to have "more"?
PM: Well, first of all, I believe that in order to have more, you must first have faith. I love the definition that my Pastor, Bishop I.V. Hilliard says:
"Faith is the creative power of God, made available to man, whereby man can transform situations and circumstances in the natural realm over which we have been given authority."
Therefore, in order to have "more", we must first have faith. Now, a lot of people ask me if I'm a faith teacher and I always tell them, I'm not boxed into to a particular category in the Kingdom. I'm a gospel teacher and faith is a critical part of the gospel. So in order to have more, it begins with knowing and living by the principles of faith.
NE: So, what are some of the principles of faith you teach in order for people to have and experience "more"?
PM: I believe that there are three critical components of faith. I like to refer to them as the ABC's of faith:
A -ASK - We must ask God, according to His will for what we desire. Mark 11:24 states, Therefore I say unto you, What things so ever ye desire, when ye pray, believe that ye receive them, and ye shall have them. Therefore, we must ask God for more. More of Him, more of his presence, more concerning our faith, family, finances and future! It is His ultimate desire to give His children more!
B - BELIEVE - After we ask our Father, we must believe. Remember the scriptures tell us that believing is a prerequisite. So what you believe is very important in your desire to have more.
C - CONFESS - So, after you ask and believe, it is imperative that you confess. You must confess the Word of God along with your faith in what you have asked God for.
NE : I really like those ABC's of faith. And on top of that, we have to "E"- Expect!
PM: Absolutely! We must expect God to do what He promised…I guess we now have to find something for "D"! {laughs}
NE: Oh, I got it, "Do"…{laughs}! But seriously, you have to do what God says while you are waiting on the manifestation of your request for more!
PM: That's exactly right, and that is what I teach. I teach people to understand that in order for us to have "more" we must have faith!
God has given Pastor Monica a great mandate to reach women across the nation with the message that there is "more" for them in Christ Jesus. She is the founder and visionary of the More Tour 2010, a crusade like conference slated to complete its tour of 20 states this year ministering the gospel of Jesus Christ to women who desire a fresh move of God in their lives (visit www.moretour2010.com for More details).
NE: So Pastor Monica, what is the mandate and or mission of the More Tour 2010?
PM: The More Tour 2010 is a vision that God has given me in order to teach people, particularly women, how to have more in their faith, family, finances and future. I have such a burden to help women realize their full potential and greatness. So the More Tour 2010 is more than a traveling conference. It is a movement with a mandate to snatch women from the bondage of their past and free them from the residue of sin and its effects on their lives. I want to see women impacted and changed in every way by the transforming power of Jesus… As God has allowed me to attend and minister at many conferences and services across the nation, I noticed at many of the events the same women would come up to the alter night after night. I couldn't help but wonder why they apparently felt they did not get what they needed from God the first night they went up to the alter? So, God gave me the vision to design the More Tour 2010 so that women all over the nation could know that there was truly a service in which they could truly come and know by faith that they will get what they need from God the first time!
NE: Amen!
PM: Evangelist Nichelle, I am so serious about seeing women delivered and set free and walking in the "more of God." You asked me what the mission of the More Tour 2010 was and in a nutshell it is to elevate the lives of women through the transforming power of Jesus Christ; to encourage them through modeling victorious lives, enabling them to release their pasts and empowering them to live a life of "more!"…And, a lot of people ask what "more" stands for, but there is no acronym, because each woman's "more" may be different than the other in terms of what she wants and what God wants for her.
NE: Wow, that is absolutely awesome! Now you are an entrepreneur bar none. Let's talk about a few of the endeavors God has given you. Let's start with Speak Life Cosmetics.
PM: Oh yes, that's my baby! Speak Life Cosmetics (www.speaklifecosmetics.com) is a company that God allowed me to start because he knows my love for make-up and looking good. And, I like for other women to look and feel good about themselves, so God blessed me to start my own cosmetics company. The goal of Speak Life Cosmetics is to provide a company where make-up meets empowerment; and through the concept of effective bold and gorgeous colors with powerful names such as favor, prosperity and joy. We take beautiful to a whole new level…Evangelist, God wants us to look good and feel good, and that's what I want to do, I want to empower women to look good and feel good!
NE: Yes, I love it! Now let's talk a little bit about the new venture God is giving you, Speak Life University.
PM: Yes, Speak Life University is the training and development arm of my personal ministry in which God has given me a vision to empower people in the community as well as in the Body of Christ to have what God has designed for them to have…Often times, you'll see people who have started their own business and they've reached a certain measure of success; and, when you ask them how they did it, they'll say, "the Lord did it!" Many times, people don't want to share with you "how" the Lord did it. But, I do! And that's what I will do through Speak Life University. I will show men and women through my six week curriculum how to start their own business and do it with no money. Every last one of the businesses that God has allowed me to start, I've started with no money, that's right no money! We are in a time where I think it's important for people to know and believe that God can afford all of your dreams. The Bible declares in Acts 10:34 that…"God is no respecter of persons." Therefore, I believe that God wants you to be just as blessed as the next person. He wants you to have "more" in every area of your life. So, I'm going to be teaching people how to start their own business and showing people the "how", because my assignment is to "rob people of their excuses!" I want to show people how the Body of Christ is suppose to work. The Bible declares that "each joint supplies" [Ephesians 4:16], so for me, this is a seed into the Body of Christ to be a blessing. I will be coordinating with men and women from all over the country to speak into the lives of God's people so that they too can have "more" in the area of their faith, finances family, and future.
NE: Amen! I look forward to helping you with that! And you are currently offering a new "raw" teaching series on "How to Be a Wife!" What's going on with that?
PM: Oh yes…well let me start by saying, as my husband's wife, and I have such a wonderful husband I might add {laughs}, I was created to ensure that his God-given mandate is carried out in the earth. With that being said, I was also created to please him in every way! And, I believe that although I'm independent in a lot of ways, I understand my role and the necessity to be a suitable help meet to my husband. However, when I got married, nobody really taught me how to be a wife. In the church, I wasn't given the "raw" truth about the nitty-gritty of marriage…however, I want to do that for young women that are getting and or believing to get married…Therefore, I teach classes such as, "The Power of Submission," "The Power of Feminine Influence," "How to Have Nag Free Communication," as well as I talk real talk about sex within the confines of the marriage relationship…And, the classes are truly impactful. Each time I've offered them, I've had men whose wives have attended the classes come up to me days later and say, 'thank you very much for that marriage class Pastor Monica' {Laughs}! Evangelist, I'm telling you we are talking real talk in this marriage class series, and I suggest that anybody who is planning to get married, a newlywed, or even doing marriage again, you should attend this class (visit www.pastormonica.com for details).
NE: Yes! Classes like this are so needed in the Body of Christ…Well, let's talk about your family. Tell us a little bit about the Haskell's!
PM: Well, my husband, Bishop Matthew C. Haskell, Jr. is my joy. We are partners in every area of ministry. I just love him very much. And together we have three children, our oldest daughter, Minister Lauren (20), she's an entrepreneur as well, but most importantly, she's an awesome teacher of the word of God; my son, Shawn (14) helps with the sound at our church amidst many other talents, he's awesome!; and my baby boy, Matthew, III (9), he's a child prodigy as a musician, he plays the organ and drums and I'm telling you he is just amazing…So they all serve with us in ministry and I am just so grateful to God.
In addition to her numerous responsibilities, roles, and ventures, Pastor Monica is the successful CEO of MPACT Sisters, a Christian business group for women, as well as Launch My Brand (www.Launchmybrand.net) a company that assists people in having their own Bath and Body line.
Pastor Monica has authored five books: Entitled to More, How to Be a Wife, How to Be Found by My S.M.G. (Sexy Man of God), A Journey to More, Women that Prevail, and her latest release, A Thank You To My Haters. Her work has been featured in numerous publications such as: Philadelphia Tribune, Hartubzani and The Leader Newspaper.
NE: Well, Pastor Monica, I know you are very busy, and I thank you so much for accepting this interview. My final question is this: What do you believe God is saying to the Body of Christ for such a time as this?
PM: You are quite welcome Evangelist Early, I thank you so much for this opportunity…In closing, I believe that God is simply saying, "more." And my conviction along with that is that God is truly seeking for us to win more souls into the Kingdom for such a time as this. I believe that we've moved beyond the principles, and don't get me wrong, principles are fine because they teach us how to walk out what we believe, but we must obey Christ's last command which the Bible says in Matthew 28:19-20, "Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you…And, right now, my lifestyle is "Holy Ghost-filled bait" to draw people to Christ. That is what the businesses are about, the make-up, the books, and everything else I do. People are looking for Real, raw and relevant preachers, who are not fake, but will tell it like it is…people are tired of church as usual…people simply want "more!"