Featured Preaching Woman
how do we love people in spite of their wrongs or faults? How do we honestly demonstrate the love of Christ to all people? Well, this month's featured preaching woman, Dr. Maria A. Seaman (Dr. Seaman), Founder and Pastor of Shekinah Worship International Ministries (SIM), at Shekinah Worship Centre, Bermuda, covered under the apostolic helm of Dr. Karen Bethea of the Set the Captives Free Outreach Center, Baltimore, MD, is here to share some strategies with you.Find out more inside...
Where's the exit? This seems to be the universal sentiment as now, more than ever, people are looking for a way out. Everyday we encounter persons or stories of those who are trapped in the valley of despair and imprisoned in the cell of critical circumstances. People are anxiously searching for ways to be loosed from all of life's problems and challenges. They are earnestly seeking to redefine, re-envision, and reinvigorate their lives. Simply put, people just want to be free!
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