Pastor Dr. Medina Pullings: Serving Jesus and Loving It!
Have you ever stopped for a moment to consider just how much God loves you? Seriously, have you? What about how much you really love Him? When we experience and exchange the love of God, it powerfully changes us in every way, because God is love. It takes God within us to love God, and He desires that we respond to His love and return it to Him in every way. So what's love got do with it they say?
To minister from the platform of God's love is an exceedingly special honor and a very real responsibility, and no one knows that better than this month's featured preaching woman, Pastor Dr. Medina Pullings (Dr. Medina) of the United Nations Church International based out of
Affectionately known as a "Jesus Girl," Dr. Medina seems to have appeared out of nowhere onto the mainstream ministry platform. Mesmerizing and reaching hearts around the world, it is clearly evident that God has graciously favored the Kingdom by unveiling her ministry for such a time as this. Gifted with sassy style, amazing grace, and awe-striking beauty, Dr. Medina ministers a fresh, energetic and Christ-centered word, fueled with divine insight and revelatory power. As an accomplished Pastor, international conference speaker, wife, mother, mentor, entrepreneur, television host, designer, song-writer and teacher, Dr. Medina is on a mission to change a generation and significantly impact the world with the love of Jesus Christ.
Nichelle Early (NE): Dr. Medina, you are just such an amazing woman of God that has been gifted with so many different talents and responsibilities. As I know many would desire to box you into one category or another, how do you describe yourself?
Dr. Medina (MP): Well, that is easy; I am a "Jesus Girl!" That is who I am. You are right, many try to label me as this or that because of all that God allows me to do, but at the beginning of the day, a "Jesus Girl" is who I am. My life and all that I am is my love for Jesus. None of this would mean merely as much if it was not for Jesus and the love He has for me and my love for Him. Nichelle, my life is Him. He is my everything!
NE: Amen…I agree! Jesus is so amazing! How can we not love Him? There is a song that says, I love Him because He first loved me…
So let me ask you this, what keeps your passion for the Lord Jesus so ablaze? In other words, what keeps the fire burning for you?
MP: The Bible says "O taste and see that the Lord is good…" (Ps. 34:8). To love him is to love and want Him more. He desires that we respond to his amazing love. When you experience the love of Jesus, you can't help but love Him back…I'm telling you, the love of Jesus not only changed my life, but it has changed my world. Unlike my husband [Dr. Orrin K. Pullings], I was not born from a lineage of preachers. I came up different, I was not churched. I was born in the
NE: I understand, me too, {laughs}!
MP: …But, I began to serve in the church and do what He asked me to do. And, at that time, I can remember telling the Lord that I would do anything but preach, because in my heart, I felt that preaching was for the special people, for the ones that were not like me. However, just like the parable of the woman at the well, Jesus came into my life and I had to run and tell everybody, and I mean everybody about Him. I found myself telling people about Him in the grocery stores, barber shops, hair salons, and schools; On the train, the subway, and the street corners and wherever I went, because I just could not keep Him to myself! And boy, oh boy, oooh the joy! You cannot tell someone about Jesus with passion and not have joy fill your soul, it is automatic!
NE: Dr. Pullings, that is so amazing and I totally agree! And your love and passion for Jesus is just so real and authentic. I love it!
With that said, I'm sure you get the question all the time, how did you get to where you are now?
MP: Well at that time, when I was telling everybody I knew about Jesus, I had a spiritual covering that recognized the call of God on my life, because like I said, I did not think I could preach, I thought it was for the special people. I did not ask or pray for this...Let me just say this; having a spiritual covering is very important! I am reminded of the story of Samuel and Eli in the Bible. When Samuel heard the voice of the Lord calling Him, Eli told him how to respond, saying, Lord, here am I. Nichelle, there is a vehicle called "yes Lord" and if you would get on board, it will take you to really amazing places that you have never dreamed of…My pastor at the time [James Pullings, Jr. and my First lady Esther Pullings of Leviticus Church of God in Christ] helped me recognize that I was being called by God to preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ. His love is just so amazing, and we must share His love with everybody; the same love that Jesus shared when He died on the cross and rose from the dead to reconcile man back unto Himself.
NE: Amen! So, here you are, today…a pastor, entrepreneur, wife, mother, television host, songwriter, and more…and you appear to be successful in every area…how does that happen? To what or whom do you attribute your success?
MP: Successful in every area? {laughs} I have had my share of ups and down. There have been many times when I did not think that I was so successful. However, it is my endeavor, and I am in that place of knowing when my Savior comes for me, I will hear him say, "well done!" Nichelle, at the end of the day, that's all that really matters. There were times when I had to do like the disciples and get in my private closest and say to Jesus, what happened? Why didn't it work? I figure if the disciples could make a mistake and Jesus not throw them away, there is hope for me! Hallelujah! Even in that, our Savior is there. See, that is what I love about Him. He is always there! Nichelle, I have found my best success when I recognized the Holy Spirit as the ultimate life coach. Not just as the ultimate life coach, but as my personal coach. This is where I am in my life now, and I am loving it, I simply:
· Listen to His voice
· Obey what He says
· Stay in His Word
· Do what He tells me to do.
This is the key to guaranteed success. The Holy Spirit will lead, guide, teach and show you things to come. Whether it is parenting, business, ministry, or whatever, the Holy Spirit will help you in all things. When an assignment is completed, I fully recognize that it is not accomplished by my own strength. So I lift up my hands and say, "High Five Holy Spirit, High Five!" He is the one that I want to see at the end of every victory. Just like a boxer that has just won the fight looks to his coach because the coach understands what it took, the Holy Spirit is my ultimate source. There is the permissive will, but being led by the Holy Spirit will always put you in the divine will of God, and that is how I do what I do!
NE: Wow, I completely understand…
MP: Nichelle, let me also say this…there is all this talk about balance, but we need to throw that out of the window, and let me tell you why. Balance suggests that all things are created equal, and that is simply not true. What we want to do is prioritize. Some things are more important than others, so you must figure out what the priority should be and what is most important. Imagine attending a funeral and sitting on the pew listening to people talk one by one about the person laying in the casket. It is now time to view the body, you walk up the aisle, turn to view, you look inside and it is you! What would you want them to say? What would be most important? What would you want your spouse, your children, your family, your friends to say about you? Would you rather they say you were a great business woman or a great mom? Yes, your business is important but when you put it into perspective, it is not as important as being a mom. Taking everything before the Lord in Prayer is a great way to sort things out. We cannot be hoarders in this season. We need to let some things go and delegate others. Just because you can does not mean that you should…and again, it all goes back to the Holy Spirit. He wants to coach you, guide you, and lead you in all things. We are never alone because we have the Holy Spirit!
NE: That is so true!
So, what do you say to the woman that aspires to grace the platforms that God has given you, for example, television, radio, international conference speaking, etc.?
MP: Well, first of all, I did nothing to make any of those things happen. God just decided to do what He wanted to do in His timing. So I would offer the following:
· Be faithful in your current assignment
· Please, please, please have Pastoral Covering, this is so important!
· Bloom where you are planted, God knows where you are!
· Above all, go after God, seek Him with everything you've got!
God is the one that is going to get you to the place called "there" and when he does, "High Five Holy Spirit, High Five!"
So to answer your question, I never did anything except what He had assigned me to do. I never prayed for this, I did not do any marketing or anything like that, God did it all!
NE: So, what do you believe God is saying in this season to the Body of Christ, especially women in ministry?
MP: I believe that God is saying that there are some things that must take place this year. There are some things that God has assigned to be accomplished. Psalm 102:13 says, Thou shalt arise, and have mercy upon
I believe that God is saying, the "Set Time Has Come!" I believe that God has arisen in His mercy and established a time of favor for the Body of Christ. I believe that there are different realms of favor, and the favor that we are going to see is in a realm beyond what we have seen or could even imagine. I believe that God is placing Christians strategically in places ultimately for His glory. We are in a time where we are going to see God's people everywhere. It is almost like an alarm clock, being set, and now the set time has come! It is the set time for the favor of the Lord. We are going to see a "terrible" anointing upon the people of God…when I say terrible, I'm not saying bad, but I am saying extremely intense. So much so that people will say, "I want your God to be my God!" In Zechariah 8:23, it says, Thus says the LORD of hosts; In those days it shall come to pass, that ten men shall take hold out of all languages of the nations, even shall take hold of the skirt of him that is a Jew, saying, We will go with you: for we have heard that God is with you [emphasis added]. You need to know that God is with you! This is the hour of demonstration and power. This is the hour where we are going to see miracles. People are going to hold your miracle; your secret closet is going to become tangible. The revealing is now happening for the glorifying of God. And, the best thing about it is, man will not be able to take credit for it…It is a "terrible" anointing…The world has gotten too big, too hoard-like, and too grand, and God is going to shake up some things. I believe we are going to see physical manifestations of His divine presence. We are going to see things that testify of His glory, not because we need proof, but because the world does! …All this is going to happen because God decided to do so. Not because of our education, not because we are so wonderful, or because of our family lineage, but just because God decided! And, this is not just for one person; this is for the Body of Christ!
NE: What an awesome word! I receive that…I've been hearing specifically the word, "God is with you!" ringing in my spirit personally, so I agree, I agree, I agree!
Pastor Medina is the joyful wife of Dr. Orrin K. Pullings, Sr. and the proud mother of four sons Orrin Jr., Elijah, James, and Zacchaeus and their daughter
NE: So let's talk family before we go! What role does your family play in all that God has called you to do?
MP: Oh, Nichelle, they mean everything to me. There is never a dull day in my house. We are a ministry family! My children know they are called and that they are chosen. And, my husband, [Dr. Orrin K. Pullings] wow, where do I begin with him? I truly have a gift in my husband. When I look at him, I am reminded of God's goodness towards me. My husband says that I am his gift, but I know that he is really my gift and I am so thankful. Not only is he my husband, but he is my best friend and the love of my life. With that, I respect him as my Pastor. I am submitted to his leadership. My husband is a great man. Seriously, how many men right in the Body of Christ would let me do what I am doing? In fact, he was the one that said, "it is time for you to take your place in ministry," and I thank him for that.
NE: That is just beautiful…
Well, last but certainly not least, what do you want the world to know about Dr. Medina Pullings?
MP: I want the world to know that I love Jesus and I'm serving Jesus and I'm loving it!
With a great vision for souls, Dr. Medina continues to expand her reach daily. She is the founder of the Princess Club, one of the many extensions of Medina Pullings Ministries. This club is designed to train and mentor young girls. Being a woman of uncompromising style, she is also the founder and CEO of Style & Grace, as well as the Jesus Girl line. In addition, Dr. Medina is the host of The Medina Show, a weekly television program airing on TBN's The Church Channel reaching over 2.3 billion potential viewers around the world.