Your Health!
Starting a New Years Diet? There's never been a better time to change your eating habits, lose weight and get healthier. A new year brings the momentum you often need to make changes and achieve your brand new body. Here are 3 tips to help you lose weight on your New Years diet and make healthier changes: Find out about them inside...
The skin care and beauty industry is a multi-billion dollar business selling various lotions, pills, sprays and creams. While all these products are great supplements, the most important part of skin care is a proper diet. Eating foods that help your skin is the most important thing that one can do to help their skin. All the creams and lotions in the world are worthless if you are eating Big Macs and fries on a daily basis. So add these skin healthy foods to your diet and watch your skin glow. Find out more inside...
The dinners, the candy, cakes, pies, puddings, the family gatherings that become "food fests" and the chilly evenings in your home relaxing in front of the TV watching your favorite movie or game with popcorn or nachos sitting on your lap can all lead to holiday weight gain. Research shows that most people gain weight from mid November through the first week in January. It is important to realize that for the majority of us, we will NOT lose this weight but rather it will continue to add up and we continue to lose the "battle of the bulge". This is not just about not being able to fit into that cute Easter suit, it is more about what this added weight gain does to your risk of diabetes, heart disease, breast and colon cancer as these are all added risks when you are overweight. More inside...
Many of the health challenges that we face could be avoided or improved by being more aware of what we eat and drink each day. Good nutrition is a building block for good health and it is important for us to learn all that we can and put the information into practice. One of the most valuable food groups is that of dairy products. Unfortunately, many of us believe that milk and other dairy products are for babies to the toddler years. However, nothing could be further from the truth. Read more of Dr. Ottey's article inside...
Hypertension is on the increase due to a rising incidence of obesity, diabetes, lack of exercise and consumption of a diet high in saturated fat and salt. Millions of people are diagnosed each year with the disorder which leads to heart disease, stroke, kidney damage amongst other disorders. Current prescription medications such as ACE inhibitors give range to side effects including dizziness, nausea and constipation. Worse still recent research on hypertension combination therapy showed that by using two high blood pressure remedies patients are at an increased risk of permanent kidney damage. Find out more inside...
One goal that seems to be on everyone's mind is better health. These days, "health" has evolved into "Wellness." Incorporating more than just our physical body's state of being, "wellness" encompasses body, mind, and spirit and suggests the traditional concept of a healthy body joined with happiness, contentment, peace, soundness of mind and an over-all sense of well being. Wellness is about quality of life. Able to live longer, we want to live better. It's not only about living, it's about living well. So, how do we move towards this state of wellness? Find out more inside...
And before you even take your first helping of mashed potatoes, that little voice inside pipes up - 'You'd better watch what you eat!', 'Might as well just put that piece of pie right on your hips.', and 'Well, there goes your diet!' Then you feel bad, guilty about the thought of enjoying the wonderful food, made with love for loved ones. Fear not! There are ways to quiet that little voice! Find out how inside...
You've made a commitment to improve your diet by eating healthier foods. You find recipes and shop for ingredients, buying lots of fresh veggies, fruit and healthy snacks. At home and at work it's pretty easy to follow your new nutritional program -- you've resolved to stay on track! You get in the habit of preparing extra food for dinner so you have leftovers for lunch the next day and cut up your carrot and celery sticks to snack on the night before. All is going well, you're feeling better and shedding a few unwanted pounds when suddenly you are faced with an unexpected trip -- it could be for business or pleasure. You begin to wonder "How am I going stay on my program? I'm doing so well and now this!" Depending on the length of the trip, you begin to worry about temptations and the availability of the foods you've actually begun to enjoy. The following 3 Simple Tips will help you to be prepared to 'eat healthy on the go'. Read more inside...