Your Health!
The festive season doesn't have to be one long binge of unhealthy eating, followed by weeks spent trying to undo the damage. Follow these simple healthy eating tips for a delicious Christmas. Find out inside...
If you are seeking to lose a few pounds, you may or may not have heard about how important it is to get enough sleep. This article will provide the specific reasons why sleep is important in trying to lose weight and how it will aid you in your weight-loss endeavor. Read more inside...
The abundance of skin care products out on the market can be overwhelming at times and many people have turned to natural skin care remedies for visible results. There seems to be an advertisement, celebrity endorsement, or infomercial on every corner. They all gloat on some miracle product that promises to transform one's skin as well as self-esteem. Face it, most everyone don't have the time or the deep pockets to try many of the popular brands. Not to worry, there are plenty of natural skin care remedies that are inexpensive and well suited for each skin type. Read more inside...
Nutrition is everything! Your ability to trim down and tone up rises and falls on mastering this one facet of fitness! Your longevity of life is dependent on proper balance of nutritious foods. Discover a few helpful "dos and don'ts" on healthy eating! Read more inside...
How can a Christian rightly view physical fitness in culture that perverts physical fitness into something that is lustful, sensual, prideful, self centered and often times idolatrous? IS there a right or wrong way to view personal fitness? Allow me to share some of my thoughts on this matter.Find out inside...
Women all over the world spend millions of dollars on gels, creams, powders, and lotions all in the attempt to maintain or enhance their skin and beauty. Beauty is a universal theme that has been around since the beginning of time and all civilizations have had a natural beauty tip or two. Modern western cultures have taken the idea of beauty to extreme by resorting to plastic surgery, liposuction, injections, and other medically invasive treatments to gain a sense of enhanced beauty. There is no need to spend thousands dollars or resort to surgery, our 4 top natural beauty tips are freely available in this article for everyone. Find out what they are inside...
Starting a New Years Diet? There's never been a better time to change your eating habits, lose weight and get healthier. A new year brings the momentum you often need to make changes and achieve your brand new body. Here are 3 tips to help you lose weight on your New Years diet and make healthier changes: Find out about them inside...
The skin care and beauty industry is a multi-billion dollar business selling various lotions, pills, sprays and creams. While all these products are great supplements, the most important part of skin care is a proper diet. Eating foods that help your skin is the most important thing that one can do to help their skin. All the creams and lotions in the world are worthless if you are eating Big Macs and fries on a daily basis. So add these skin healthy foods to your diet and watch your skin glow. Find out more inside...
Most of today's jobs call for little or no physical activity. Despite all the benefits of modern technology, the result is an overweight workforce. Indeed today's workers are heavier than ever - 66 percent of the nation's workers weigh far more than they should and what is healthy. So what can you do to combat this when your job keeps you in your seat, at your desk - day-in and day-out? Read more inside...
The dinners, the candy, cakes, pies, puddings, the family gatherings that become "food fests" and the chilly evenings in your home relaxing in front of the TV watching your favorite movie or game with popcorn or nachos sitting on your lap can all lead to holiday weight gain. Research shows that most people gain weight from mid November through the first week in January. It is important to realize that for the majority of us, we will NOT lose this weight but rather it will continue to add up and we continue to lose the "battle of the bulge". This is not just about not being able to fit into that cute Easter suit, it is more about what this added weight gain does to your risk of diabetes, heart disease, breast and colon cancer as these are all added risks when you are overweight. More inside...