Attaining and Maintaining the Health and Wellness That God Desires for Women
The Bible is clear on God's desire for us to be in good health; "Beloved, I pray that in all respects you may prosper and be in good health, just as your soul prospers." 3 John 1: 2. As Christians we have a call on our lives to spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ and to be examples for the world. This is even truer for women who are called to ministry, i.e. "preaching women". The example that we give both in our spiritual walk, how we treat people, how we follow the Word of God and yes how we honor and treat the temple that He has given us. As women, we are usually focused on our families, our friends, our coworkers and others and will tend to let our health go. As ministers of the gospel, it is easy to pick up bad health habits, use excuses for not working out and following a healthy lifestyle. Well, I know that this is not what God desires or requires from us. Find out what he does require inside...
Attaining and Maintaining the Health and Wellness That God Desires for Women Sharon D. Allison-Ottey, MD
The Bible is clear on God's desire for us to be in good health; "Beloved, I pray that in all respects you may prosper and be in good health, just as your soul prospers." 3 John 1: 2. As Christians we have a call on our lives to spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ and to be examples for the world. This is even truer for women who are called to ministry, i.e. "preaching women". The example that we give both in our spiritual walk, how we treat people, how we follow the Word of God and yes how we honor and treat the temple that He has given us. As women, we are usually focused on our families, our friends, our coworkers and others and will tend to let our health go. As ministers of the gospel, it is easy to pick up bad health habits, use excuses for not working out and following a healthy lifestyle. Well, I know that this is not what God desires or requires from us.
Not only should we individually address our health, but we should have effective programs in our churches for both men and women. However, specific to women-every church should make sure that they host several health related workshops, screenings and events for women both young and old. Our Sunday Schools, our Bible Study, Women's Groups, Women's Day or Women's Seasons and other areas in the life of the church should talk about and encourage us to aspire to better health. While you confirm speakers for your conferences, are you also making sure that you provide health information and at least 1-2 workshops focused on women's health? Has your church ever hosted a women's health conference or event? If you have not, why not-the physical, emotional and yes spiritual health of the congregants is vital to the continued value of the church. We must address health in a way that our congregations can understand and act on.
Let's just start with your health. One of the basics in your health is to make sure that you are in partnership with your healthcare professional and that you take an active role in your health. The more that you learn and know about your health, the better equipped that you become to maintain your best health. I tell audiences all over the country that "If you can't talk to your doctor, then talk to your friends about finding a new one." You should ask questions and be fully engaged in your health. I do recommend that you make sure that each and every time you go to see a healthcare provider that you leave knowing the answers to the following questions (Ask Me 3:
1. What is my main problem?
2. What do I need to do?
3. Why is it important for me to do this?
There is a need for us to be honest about our eating habits, our exercise, our tobacco and alcohol use. We also need to be honest about taking our medications and being committed to following your physician's recommendations. We must be honest and ask God to help us attain and maintain a healthy temple. We must make sure that we follow a low fat, low cholesterol diet, we should exercise at least 30- 45 minutes most days of the week and we need to make sure that we get enough sleep and that we reduce the levels of stress. As women, we are often so busy that we run ourselves in the ground and are no use to ourselves or our families. How much time are you taking a day to just BREATHE?
What else should women do to maintain their health? There are guidelines (see that have proven to be models for prevention and early detection of disease that are specific to your gender and age, further dependent upon your family history and personal history, your physician may recommend certain other tests. The old adage, "an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure", still rings true and everyone should keep up to date with their screening and evaluation of personal health.
Women should understand and know the basic screening guidelines and get them done on schedule. Don't wait for your physician to tell you that it's time for your mammogram, Pap smear, cholesterol tests, etc…. YOU are the manager of your health; it is up to you to keep up with the recommendations.
As women of God, it is IMPERATIVE that we lead by example. We need to model health and wellness to the people that we serve and are called to mentor. If you don't take time out for your body-believe me your body will rebel. God sends us messages and information every day; are we listening to HIS call for better health and wellness. Pray and seek His guidance while also understanding that He has already laid out a roadmap.
About the author:
Sharon D. Allison-Ottey, MD "Dr. Sharon" is an energetic, motivating, and insightful speaker and author that shares her expertise in the area of health and self esteem particularly focused on women. "Dr. Sharon" as she is affectionately known does reach the heart and spirit of women in her unique approach and her ability to break down medical/health information in a way that anyone can readily understand. However, Dr. Sharon does not limit herself to just addressing health. Her heart is for women that are often hurting, suffer from poor self esteem, confused about relationships and really searching to find their voice. She also addresses family and men's issues in a holistic approach that brings clarity and healing. Join the thousands of subscribers to Dr. Sharon's FREE newsletter at for information on a variety of topics. Dr. Sharon is an author of several books and has launched the innovative card line, "Cards by Dr. Sharon", which is taking the country by storm (
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