An Allergy is a reaction that occurs in individuals who are sensitive to certain substances such as cosmetics, animal hair, pollen food, medication or to certain climactic conditions like heat or sunshine that in others may be harmless. An allergic reaction may come about anyplace on the body: in the eyes, on the epidermis, the lungs or the digestive tract. Although an allergy can arise at any time, symptoms suffered in childhood tend to let up with time and many go away completely. An inclination to allergic reaction is mostly genetic, while the character of the allergy might be different from generation to generation.
The Genetic Factors
Allergies, such as asthma, nasal allergy, hay fever, eczema and some types of allergic headaches incline to run in the family. One family member might suffer from asthma whereas another might suffer from eczema. Allergists have noticed a heritable inclination in acquiring allergy. When both parents suffer an allergy, every one of their children holds approximately a 75 % probability of acquiring one as well. When only one parent suffers from an allergy, chances are 50 % or less.
Food Allergy
Some allergies are caused by foods which contain or release histamine during the chemical transformation process. Such foods include tuna or other canned food. Others which stimulate such allergy are food additives like coloring, preservatives and flavor enhancers. Allergy is basically the result of defective reaction of the system's immunity, which responds to an allergen with the fabrication of antibodies as though the substance were harmful. Today, 1 in 12 children under the age of 6 show signs of food allergy and 1 in 25 have a verified food allergy present.
Histamine Effects
Firstly, an allergic reaction increases the permeatation of the minor blood vessels making the fluid component of the blood serum escape into the tissues. Such a condition brings on blisters, puffiness, and irritation of certain tissues like the nose, the eyes or the epidermis.
Secondly, it causes muscle spasm, particularly in the bronchi. This brings on heavy respiration and asthmatic attacks. In intense instances, sensitivity to insect stings, a nonhuman antitoxin serum or penicillin may bring on an anaphylactic reaction (unexpected shock) that may be life-threatening.
Approximately 15% of the population in the U.S. suffers from some allergy or other. However, why a specific allergy develops is yet a medical enigma. Although allergies cannot be completely cured, there is available treatment which can build up resistance to certain allergens.
For more information about allergies, and the causes and effects of allergies, visit http://www.healthinfo21.comArticle |