"Do what I say and not what I do" is one of the most infamous yet hypocritical statements some leaders function by before their followers and colleagues. However, over the years many people in places of prominence have found themselves kissing the floor of mercy after being found guilty of fraudulent and unauthorized activities.
Documents and investigations have uncovered the evil ploys and greedy behaviors that escaped from behind dark doors and secret closets. Those tainted schemes which were left unchecked brought about the collapse of many mammoth gods who once set on man-made thrones. However, the end results of these high profile figures led to emotional pain, financial loss, devastation and demise to those who trusted them with their personal investments.
I heard one leader say, "I'm surprised I got away with it that long." This individual wanted to get caught but man kept him on the pedestal until he started to believe that the odor of dishonesty and self-glorification were not fumigating from him. People passed by and got a whiff of it but refused to believe it was coming from their "god."
Who are you accountable to? Has the pride of position caused you to taint the office in which you were called to serve? We should live our lives as credible leaders so that we can join Job in saying "my witness is in heaven and my record is on high." (Job 16:19 KJV)
Let's not allowthe scent of the world to pollute the environment of the Church. Many of these high profile leaders were left unchecked on a daily basis. They carried themselves as if they were untouchable and beyond question or dispute because of their influential titles and positions. They were regarded as powerful, famous, and popular when all the time they were bearing traits of self-importance, arrogance, pride and ungodliness.
In Daniel chapter 4, we see that King Nebuchadnezzar had an egocentric problem. He became so haughty that he began to claim all the credit regarding the success of his Kingdom. Before he could finish bragging about his majestic glory, a voice from heaven spoke and said that the Kingdom would be taken from him and he will become like the beasts of the field. It took seven years before this mighty king would return to normalcy. He lived as an animal until he came to himself with a dose of humility. At the end of his jungle experience, King Nebuchadnezzar lifted his eyes to heaven and began to worship the Most High God!
The elimination of accountability will bring these same problems into our religious circles and businesses. Let's prevent undo removal and dismissal of key leaders in the Body of Christ.
- Pray that accountability will return and that we will hold each other responsible to the principles of the Holy Word.
- Do not use your spirit of influence to build self-glorification. We must not become gods because of our success.
- Put a check and balance system in place.
- Stay in touch with someone who is seasoned and trustworthy enough to hold an umbrella over your head during times of weakness.
- Develop a partnership with others in your peer group who can speak into your life and say "hey this is crazy!" or "let's pray before you do that.".