Welcome to the start of a new year and a new decade! You have no doubt worked tenaciously and fervently to complete your spiritual assignments for 2009! You have brought to a close your last prayer, prophecy, praise and preached message before the midnight clock sounded its last chord!
What a gift you have been to so many lost, shattered and uninspired lives over the past three hundred and sixty five days. You have sown so much into the lives of others that you probably forgot about the cherished individual you have grown to become.
Perhaps you are pondering some promises and prophecies concerning your personal life that has not come to past. You may have failed to receive needful ministering within your life that has left you feeling empty, lonely, disappointed and even unsuccessful. Nobody knows but you and your heavenly Father of the secret tears or the questionable debates that have risen in your spirit over this last decade.
Sometimes you may feel like Cinderella running back to reality before the clock strikes midnight with one shoe on and the other one left at the grand event. Perhaps that special someone or something will finally find you among the invalid imposters. Stay true. God sees what earth misses. Your time has finally come to receive the outpouring and the answer to your prayers!
Maybe you feel like Dorothy in the Wizard of Oz struggling with a team of broken and fearful members who do not realize the power that lies within them. Even though you felt and saw the deplorable and frightening situations on the road you dared not allow the sheep to fall by the wayside. Instead of giving up the ghost and dying you found yourself preaching with power to the tin men, the lions and the scare crows until they reached their various destinations! Heaven is applauding your efforts!
This month the Lord is compelling me to tell you "job well done!" Allow me to share these last three points with you that was deposited in my heart and spirit:
1. Do not limit God within the confines of your mind or even your customs. Your answer is outside the box of man's opinions and traditions.
2. Reach beyond your imagination! What God has for you is beyond your reasoning and concepts. Ephesians 3:20 (KJV) "Now unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us"
3. Know when to use the weapon and when to use the plow. Everybody who comes your way is not the enemy. Be careful that you do not become insecure like King Saul and start throwing the javelin at your blessing.
Above all remember that "in the beginning or genesis of your life God created YOU for such a time as this!"