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Her Sermon Helps

Why Preaching Style Is Important?

Over the years, some people have said that I spend too much time talking about and thinking about style. These individuals say that what is important is not the "style" but the "content." They argue that one of the greatest problems with most preaching [especiallay African American] is spending too much time worrying about the style. Find out more inside...
Sermon HelpsWhy Preaching Style Is Important?

Written by Sherman Cox



Over the years, some people have said that I spend too much time talking about and thinking about style. These individuals say that what is important is not the "style" but the "content." They argue that one of the greatest problems with most preaching [especiallay African American] is spending too much time worrying about the style.


Style Affects Listener Understanding.


I will answer this in two ways. First, style affects how the hearer understands the message. We all have heard about preachers who have great content, but they just can't deliver the message. Listen to your favorite lecturer at college. Did she speak in a monotone way? Did she deliver the message with animation that comes from knowing and loving the material?

It is interesting that some preachers who claim to ignore style have great style themselves. They may not "whoop" but they are masters of cadence. They may not use various pulpit devices, but they make explicit use of call and response. Simply put, a "no style" style will turn the people off and make your material almost non understandable. Style affects how the hearers understand your message.

It is true that there are some preachers who only have style, and they don't have a message that corresponds to it. The important thing is for preachers to have a strong message and embody that message in their mannerisms, word choice, style, and yes other areas of content.

Most of Communication is Nonverbal

The second problem with those who wish to say style is unimportant is that style affects the message itself. We are told that the vast majority of communication is in nonverbal. It is the way you say something. It is the glisten in your eye. It is the strength of your convictions. All of these parts will come through in what we call "style." No content is not something that is totally independent of style. Style is a part of the content.

You can say the phrase "God is a good God" while mocking the statement. How? In the way you say it, the body language could say something else. You can say the same phrase while celebrating it. You can say the same exact phrase while trying to convince yourself of it. You can say the same phrase in many ways, but changing the WAY you say it.

Preaching Style is Important
Preaching style is important. How you say something affects how it is hard. In addition, How you say something affects WHAT is heard. So we should not ignore the question entirely.  In any case, all of us should spend some time thinking about this important characteristic of preaching.

About the Author: Sherman Cox is a friend of PreachingWoman.com and his article has been used with permission; He is the CEO of www.SoulPreaching.com. If you enjoyed this article from Sherman Haywood Cox II, then you will love his video providing the number one secret to take your sermon to the next level. Go to http://www.superchargeyoursermons.comto view that video.