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Her Sermon Helps

You know, many times we church folks act as though we have done our duty when we sit in a congregation and listen to a preacher preach or a choir sing. We may participate. We may sing heartily. We may even get a chance to preach to the people of God. But then we go home. And what happens at home? A plethora of television, sports, games, fun, and just life. And we should live our life, but has church made a difference in our lives? Does it affect our lives in any meaningful way? And more specifically, does it make a difference in how we relate to the hurting one? Read more inside...
Understanding Scripture is an exciting and crucial way to mature as a Christian, grow in discernment (being able to more readily spot aberrant theology), and equip oneself with the Word for witnessing. We all know we need to read God's Word to be fed spiritually, but have you ever given thought to how you can read it to best glean the intended meaning from the text? Theologians call this science of biblical interpretation "hermeneutics".
PreachingWoman.com is continuing our "Back To the Basics" series. So let us ask you a question: "Do you remember the difference between ministry gifts and spiritual gifts? Do you recall how they are categorized? Well, not to worry, we are here to provide you with a refresher, if you used to know, and an update, if this is your first encounter with these questions. So sit back, relax, and let us fill you in! More inside...