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Her Sermon Helps

Working with Transitions

Are you looking to improve the flow and synch of your sermon lines. Do you want to make sure that the congregation stays with you and are able to follow you from one thought to the next? Well, this month we are talking to you about transitions. Please take a moment and read more...
 Working with Transitions


Are you looking to improve the flow and synch of your sermon lines.  Do you want to make sure that the congregation stays with you and are able to follow you from one thought to the next? Well, this month we are talking to you about transitions. Please take a moment and read more to find out.


Carefully constructed transitions are necessary when contributing to the flow of your sermon and providing an even flow from one main division to the next one. Transitions aid in the process.  Please take a moment to review the following non-exhaustive points regarding transition"


1) Transitions point out that the speaker is moving into the next phase of the marriage.


2.) Effective transitions make each step in the progress of teh sermon more clear.


3.) Abrubt changes of thought tend to distract or confuse the listeners so try not to be abrupt.


4.) Transitions should link the last main division of the sermon with the conclusion of the sermon.


5.) Use brief paragraphs or short senteneces to accomodate your transition.


The next time you have to preach, make sure that you utilize effective transitions.You will be sure to see the difference in your message.