Soul Manna
Do you realize that you are pregnant? I bet you are saying, "Who me?... Not hardly", as my mother would say. But, I beg to differ. You are pregnant! Pregnant with purpose and with promise. Many of you sitting full with witty ideas, creative inventions, unique businesses, vital ministries, desires for career change, and for some, real desires to literally have children. However, for some reason, you haven't brought forth…God has given you dreams, and ideas concerning doing ministry differently, writing books, expanding your existing business line, entering new relationships, all for HIS Glory, but yet you have not brought forth!
As we look around, we see that some of our brothers and sisters have given to the stress of just merely trying to survive from day to day. Marriages are being strained, the divorce rates are on the rise, crime is running ramped and it makes us sit back and wonder, "How will all this be restored? Is there any room for restoration? Find out more inside...