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Pastor Kimberly L. Ray: I just Want to Be Saved!

When you pray, do you really believe that anything can happen? Do you honestly know that God hears your prayers and has an earnest desire to answer? As a believer, God desires that you advance the kingdom of Heaven and destroy the works of the enemy through prevailing prayer. And you know what? You can, and you will! Read more inside...

Pastor Kimberly RayPastor Kimberly L. Ray: I Just Want to Be Saved!

Written by Nichelle Early, Executive Editor


When you pray, do you really believe that anything can happen? Do you honestly know that God hears your prayers and has an earnest desire to answer? As a believer, God desires that you advance the kingdom of Heaven and destroy the works of the enemy through prevailing prayer. And you know what? You can, and you will!


PreachingWoman.com's founder, Nichelle Early, garnered the joyous opportunity to speak exclusively with one of God's beloved and precious jewels, Pastor Kimberly L. Ray.  Abounding with grace and incomparable kindness, she humbly accepted our invitation to be featured and celebrated as an anointed preaching woman and share her life and a few principles of prayer and intercession with you!


Affectionately revered as one of four daughters of the late pastor, Dr. Angie Ray (founder of Angie Ray Ministries "Church on the Rock"), Pastor Kimberly L. Ray (Pastor Kim) has quickly emerged as one of the nation's prominent preaching women. Admired for her humility, integrity, authenticity, and undeniable deliverance ministry, it is evident that Pastor Kim has been anointed by God to continue the legacy of prayer, intercession, and deliverance that mantled her mother.


Coupled with being the present pastor of Angie Ray Ministries, "Church on the Rock," (Matteson, IL) covered by Apostle Richard Henton (Chicago, IL), Pastor Kim serves extensively as an evangelical speaker delivering messages that inspire, encourage, and effectively change the lives of those who embrace the word of God.  Her whole-hearted passion for God and surrendered lifestyle has led to an anointing to preach and teach the word of God with authority, revelation, and deliverance.  Her insightful messages include sobering truths that challenge men and women to pray and cultivate their God-given potential in their personal, spiritual and professional lives.


Dr. Angie RayNichelle Early (NE): Now that you are in ministry and following the trail blazed by your mother, the late Dr. Angie Ray, what inspires you most about her as a person and her ministry?


Pastor Kimberly Ray (KR): "Dr. Angie Ray was a true gift.  She was a real mother.  Raising her girls was priority before embarking upon her own personal ministry.  For example, I'll use the natural and spiritual.  Naturally, she taught us etiquette, how to communicate, bake, and all the essentials of being ladies. She took us to tennis lessons and more.  We had fun with our mother.  Spiritually, she taught us how to pray.  She would wake us early in the morning at 6:00am and pray with us (she remembers joyfully). Even when we attended church; she made sure that we understood the word.  When we got home from church we would review the scripture that was used by the Pastor for his sermon.  It was mother's way of making sure the word was in us.  She embraced the scriptures and taught us to do so as well. My mother was full of grace and femininity, and she taught us to be the same.


NE: Wow! And your mother did an excellent job!


KR: Oh, thank you!


NE: When did you learn that you would be the one to continue Dr. Angie Ray's legacy as the pastor of "Church on the Rock" and the vision that God had given her regarding Angie Ray Ministries?


Pastor Kimberly RayKR: After mother's passing, my sisters along with the Elders had a family meeting and I was selected to serve as the pastor. Now, understand we were still experiencing the grieving process, because we not only lost our natural mother, but also our spiritual leader. And may I share with you that I am still moved by the compassion and the love of God that we received from the Body of Christ. We received thousands of emails and phone calls.  It was at that point that we realized the impact that Dr. Angie Ray had on the Body of Christ.  Although it should have been a joyous occasion to become pastor, I was ambivalent because I had just lost my mother and friend. I had the relentless desire to continue the vision because I believe her vision provided a platform for the ministry of deliverance. Today the church serves as a prayer center, an oasis for people to be set free!


NE: Indeed it does…Now speaking of prayer and deliverance, in your opinion, how important is it for the Body of Christ to understand and utilize the strategies of intercession and the ministry of deliverance?


KR: Ephesians 5:27 says (paraphrasing), "Jesus is returning for a glorious church, one without spot, wrinkle, or any such thing; a church that is holy and without blemish." Therefore, the ministry of deliverance provides the cleansing process for the Body of Christ so that we may be purged and cleansed…in other words, deliverance is available to purify individuals. It's like a tracking system, it reveals areas in our lives that need to be addressed, changed and purified.  Also deliverance provides spiritual weapons to equip the body of Christ to war against the enemy and be over comers…The Ministry of Intercession is so vital.  We utilize prayer to intercede on behalf of another.  The word instructs the believer to pray fervently for one another. Coupled, deliverance and intercession provides strategies to bring total liberation to the soul. 


NE: Pastor Kim, you know I'm struggling right now, (LOL!) because I'm trying to interview you and take notes while eating all this good ole' spiritual food for myself…(jokingly…laughs)


KR: (laughs…)


Pastor Kimberly RayNE: But seriously, You are a woman that God has endowed with a very potent anointing. And, I'm sure you get asked all the time, what principles do you offer to others that desire to experience or carry such an anointing for the glory of God?


KR: I feel honored to be a servant of God and a blessing to the Body of Christ. The anointing is precious.  It comes with a price. Luke 12:48; "to whom much is given much is required." One must live a life of sanctification, of fasting and spending quality time with the Lord. One major principle that I advocate is you must have a genuine love for humanity and your motives must be pure. You cannot have any desire for the glory. All of it belongs to God, it's not about us, but it's about the Lord Jesus.


NE: Amen! We certainly cannot take God's glory in any way, because the Bible declares that no flesh can glory in His presence (I Cor. 1:29). And, I believe that God will not share His glory with any man.


KR: That's right, he won't share it.  It all belongs to him!


Pastor Kim is an accomplished lecturer, gifted singer and songwriter.  Her ability to motivate and uplift has given occasion to speak at universities, commencements, national conferences and churches all over the United States, as well as the West Indies and London, England.  In addition, Pastor Kim wears the hat of producer for her 30-minute telecast, "A Time of Intercession," which airs on The Word Network on Mondays at 11pm CST and Total Living Network stations on Wednesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays at 5:30am, reaching 140 countries and over 87 million homes.  Pastor Kim's show can also be seen on-demand at StreamingFaith.com. In addition to her countless responsibilities, Pastor Kim is also the accomplished author of Prevailing Prayers of the Bible and her most recent release, Relentless Faith. 


Prevailing Prayers of the BibleNE: For anyone that encounters your ministry, they quickly note that prayer is a central focus of your ministry. In fact, you've written a book chronicling many prayers of the Bible. In your opinion, why do you believe people have such challenges maintaining a consistent prayer life?


KR: Given the advancements in technology and the hectic pace of life, I believe many are challenged because of distractions that dominate their time.  So we must acknowledge the Lord first and make a conscious effort to pray.  An individual should remain cognizant of the biblical truth that "men should always pray," (paraphrasing: Luke 18:1).  "Pray without ceasing." I Thess. 5:17.


I encourage people to seek God early (paraphrasing Proverbs 8:17).  Make Him first.  If we seek him early we can avoid what I call, "deadly distractions".  I encourage people to utilize their quiet moments with the Lord. Learn to incorporate prayer into every facet of your daily life, even if you are cleaning, washing clothes, or on your lunch break. You can joyfully embrace this time to pray for your pastor, family, the government, the nation or whatever the Holy Spirit brings to your mind.  


NE: That is so true, there's nothing like being in your car and praying, "Lord, I thank you anyhow!


KR: So true!


Gospel Today MagazinePastor Kim has appeared on TBN's worldwide broadcast "Praise the Lord" as well as on The Word Network's "Rejoice in the Word," a faith-based talk show. Her face graced the cover of the 2008 May/June issue of the internationally distributed magazine, Gospel Today. Also, in the same year, she was proudly presented her with an Honorary Doctorate of Theology. 


With a global following, which continues to grow daily, Pastor Kim has preached for such notable ministers and trailblazers as Bishop John Francis (London, England), Bishop Neil Ellis (Nassau, Bahamas), Apostle Richard D. Henton (Chicago, IL), Pastor Marvin Winans (Detroit, MI), Bishop I.V. & Dr. Bridget Hilliard (Houston, TX), Bishop Charles Blake (Los Angeles, CA), Bishop John Boyd, Sr. (Jamaica Queens, NY), Bishop Darrell Hines (Milwaukee, WI), Bishop Horace Hockett (Nashville, TN), Bishop Alfred & Co-Pastor Susie Owens (Washington, DC), Dr. Aretha Wilson (RAW Conference, St. Albans, NY) and Pastor Shirley Caesar (Raleigh, NC), just to name a few.   


PW: Pastor Kim, you are a spectacular preaching woman in the Holy Ghost: What do you love most about preaching?


KR: You are so kind! I am deeply intrigued with the individuals of the scripture.  I love sharing messages about actual biblical characters.  I love to preach about their triumphs and victories as well as failures and tragic defeats.  I truly believe that we benefit today from lessons found in the bible.  Most of all, I really enjoy seeing the results of preaching as people come to the altar to receive salvation and deliverance. 


NE: Me too! It's nothing like seeing someone accept Jesus! Even the angels in heaven rejoice!


KR: That's right!


NE: Now God has given you such an inspiration and impactful word in this hour and you've been favored to minister on many distinct and diverse platforms…Now that you are celebrating almost 25 years in ministry, what often crosses your mind when you consider all the doors God has allowed you to go through?


KR: Gratitude comes to mind. I often think of my testimony:  During the 60's, before my mother accepted salvation, she attempted to abort me, but the Lord covered me and allowed me live.  I cherish life and as a result my passion has been serving God in Ministry.  I feel that I owe Him my life and everything within me.  Also what comes to mind are the many prophetic words that were spoken over my life by the generals and key people who have been a part of my journey… often times, you may see me weeping in the pulpit before I speak, because I'm just so grateful to the Lord Jesus...And yes, I am celebrating 25 years in ministry. As I don't have many celebrations regarding my endeavors in ministry, I am looking so forward to the 25th Year in Ministry Celebration on June 5, 2010 at the Trump Tower, Chicago, IL. that will be given in my honor.  The Lord has been Faithful.


NE: Wow! That is awesome, and you truly deserve that celebration for a job well done in ministry! Speaking of ministry, let me ask you this, Do you ever get nervous before you have to preach?


Prayer ConferenceKR: No, not really! (smiling) I whisper to myself I was born for this {Smile}.  So, I try to seize the moment to minister the Word of Lord.


NE: That's awesome! I still get nervous myself! (laughs!)


KR: I understand.  I've learned to trust in Jesus and stay focused.


NE: Amen!


NE: Now, God has allowed you to accomplish some major achievements, especially as a female pastor, what encouragement do you offer to other female pastors in this dispensation of time?


KR: I encourage women in ministry to walk in the love of God…to study, pray and prepare for their assignment. Be who God made you. You don't want to be a carbon copy of anyone else, be yourself! I love being me! (jokingly). Also, it is a necessity to walk in humility. Oh, may I also share, respect men! I have a deep abiding respect for the men of God. Women in ministry must understand that we are not in competition with men.  It is important that we respect and honor them by walking in the spirit of submission.  Lastly, maintain your femininity and celebrate being a Woman. Ministry is real and we must minister for the Glory of God.


The Ray SistersNE: Now, you know we can't close this interview without talking about the girls! "The Ray Sisters." What do they mean to you since your mother's passing and in light of all that God is doing in the ministry?


KR: Oh yes, we have to talk about the girls! (laughs!) The Ray sisters share a special bond. We are stronger together and we are on the same team.  God has blessed each of the sisters with significance in ministry.  My sister Cheryl, she is the eldest…she is a gifted Administrator.  She helps to keep the business aspects of ministry together.  She is just awesome! Assistant Pastor Jacqueline Denise {J.D.} is a warrior in the Spirit. Her strength is just amazing.  I consider her a troubleshooter.  She approaches situations with wisdom and has a way of getting results.  It is a blessing for me to have a faithful assistant pastor because it affords me the opportunity to do evangelical work.  And my sister, Evangelist Tanya…whew!  Mercy Ray, Pastor Kim's dogAs pastor I am excited to preach knowing that I have Evangelist Tanya Ray as a praise and worship leader.  She is a captivating an electrifying singer.  She is the personification of the Spirit of Christ! My sisters are great! I love them! I am appreciative of their support.  {During the interview Mercy enters the room} Oh, Mercy is our precious Chow Chow.


KR: May I also share, that the wonderful members of "Church on the Rock," are the most loving people.  They are so encouraging.  When I became a Pastor it seems the Lord increased my capacity to love. 


NE: Pastor Kim, you are just so awesome! I know we are trying to close this interview, but I have to ask you…what do you believe God is saying in 2010?


Pastor Kimberly RayKR: I believe the Lord has been speaking that many in the Body of Christ have felt stuck in life, creatively, emotionally, spiritually and physically.  I believe the Lord is going to use the Ministry of Deliverance to bring freedom.  For the faithful, God is going to move in an unusual way; ONE knock at the door, phone call, email, text message, or chance encounter with the right person is going to change your life.  I believe 2010 is going to be a year of miracles and revival.


NE: Pastor Kim, I am so grateful for you accepting this interview! It has truly been an honor.  So, in closing, what is it that you would want the world to know about Pastor Kimberly Ray?


KR: May I take a moment to express my thanks to you for this opportunity.  It is my hope as a female pastor to represent Christianity in a royal way. I wrote a song in 1986 that epitomizes what I would like the world to know about me. One verse of the song simply says:


If I never received wealth or fame

            If no one ever knows my name

            Remember this one thing of me,

            I love Jesus, because he delivered me,

And, I just want to be saved!



Visit ARM "Church on the Rock

Pastor Kimberly's church is located at 4013 Lindenwood Drive, Matteson, Illinois 60443. Click Here for Directions!