5 Qualities of a Woman of Destiny
For many women today, there is an identity crisis in the realm of the spirit. We are pregnant with dreams and visions, but are often not aware of the magnitude of what the Lord has entrusted to us. With great prophetic insight and depth, Author Tarsha L. Campbell is building identity through a profound, relevant message hidden in the gospels; and she is leading women at varying stages in their walk with the Lord into a place of not only embracing destiny, but one of defining purpose and sealing affirmation in their call to be whom God created them to be.Find out more inside...

5 Qualities of a Woman of Destiny
Written By Tarsha Campbell
Woman of Destiny, arise! Your time has come! The Word of the Lord has been spoken! Your day is at hand, but do you have what it takes?
For many women today, there is an identity crisis in the realm of the spirit. We are pregnant with dreams and visions, but are often not aware of the magnitude of what the Lord has entrusted to us. With great prophetic insight and depth, Author Tarsha L. Campbell is building identity through a profound, relevant message hidden in the gospels; and she is leading women at varying stages in their walk with the Lord into a place of not only embracing destiny, but one of defining purpose and sealing affirmation in their call to be whom God created them to be.
5 x 8, 88 pages | ISBN: 978-09755234-1-4
Dominionhouse Publishing & Design
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Instead of trying, let go. Let go of the limitations of "religion," a place of trying harder, where you never measure up. Step into God's grace. You'll be empowered supernaturally beyond your experience. Read more inside...
Dr. Patricia Bailey wants women to overcome all obstacles, real or imagined, and step boldly into all God has for them. Using examples of great women of the Bible - Rahab, Esther, Hagar, Hannah, Abigail, Debra, and many others - she shows that the common denominator for accomplishing something great was simply the willingness to be a risktaker for God. Find out more inside...
Bringing people to Christ is the underlying purpose of the book "Getting the Word Out: How to Market Your Ministry." This, however, will not be easy to accomplish; but those of you who are about to read this book or participate in a seminar already know this. This is why we constantly search for techniques and ideas on how we might win souls for the Lord. Find out about this amazing book inside...