I believe this is the season of the MANIFESTED GLORY OF GOD! The Bible declares, " For the earnest expectation of the creation eagerly waits for the REVEALING of the SONS OF GOD". Romans 8:19. The glory of God and impartation are in this season. Don't miss your time of visitation. Don't miss your season of opportunity. Don't miss your NOW moment. God desires to IMPART and MANIFEST His GLORY through his Sons (Daughters)....but we must BE where HE IS. THAT PLACE IS IN HIS PRESENCE THROUGH WORSHIP. If we listen then we can hear...(ssshhhh, be quiet, be still, and KNOW that he is GOD, Psalm 46:10). "The Lord is in HIS holy temple let all the earth (flesh) keep silent BEFORE him" Zechariah 2:13.
In this season, I believe God is gathering His people for prayer and action! I believe that this is the time for the manifestation of the Sons of God and for a greater dimension of God's glory to be revealed!! Not everybody will enter and operate in this dimension of glory. It's not because God does not desire it, because He does; However, it's because some will not pay the price! Will You?
Now, many of us know the phrase in the Lord's prayer "...for thine is the POWER AND THE GLORY FOREVER, AMEN!!" It all belongs to God. The Power (rule, authority, dominion) and the Glory (presence and manifestation). God is manifesting His presence in this season in a greater degree. Demonstrations of the Spirit and His power will increase. When the saints of God gather (assemble) together the presence of God will MANIFEST!! Acts 4:31
God wants us to prepare for this dimension of His glory to be revealed on this earth. Gather your friends, family, and prayer partners to pray for the manifested presence of God on this earth. This glory (His) is what will shake ALL principality, powers, and spiritual wickedness in high places. Pray people of God for the manifestation of the Sons of God (Rom. 8:19).
Stephen was known as a man full of faith and the Holy Ghost before he had a title… Selah~ calmly pause and think of that! Power came after faith i.e. demonstration and action. His faith in the Holy Ghost made room for him. It is what set him apart from everybody else. Stephen was an ordinary man that believed God and as a result of his faith in God he was promoted with rank and title of Deacon, in the Kingdom of God and the church (Acts 6: 1-7). In verse six, these seven men were chosen among their peers and set before the apostles. When the apostles prayed they laid hands on the seven (impartation)…then the Word of God increased and disciples were added to the church in Jerusalem. Afterwards, Stephen was described as a man full of faith and power who did great wonders and miracles among the people (vs 8).
This describes the manifestation of the Sons of God. When the Sons of God are revealed, manifestation of Gods' glory and manifestations of His presence erupts. Signs and wonders follow not only the preaching and teaching of the Word, but faith.
Get ready in this season for God to manifest and demonstrate His glory through you in an amazing way. This is the season of: manifestation, glory, increase, acceleration, promotion, prayer and gathering (spiritual wafare). Note: If you stay ready then you don't have to get ready! Be ready saints, preparation proceeds accomplishment. God bless and Happy New Year!