Half Minister Half Mistress-the Life of a Ministry Wife by Nicole Morgan
If you're looking for an entertaining and thought-provoking piece of literature that will change your life and marriage forever, this is it! In her literary debut, Nicole Morgan, wife of gospel organist/producer, PJ Morgan, wrote Half Minister/Half Mistress- the Life of a Ministry Wife as a tool. Though you really don't have to be a ministry wife, or even married, to appreciate the nuggets of wisdom that it holds, she has musician's and pastor's wives on her heart. Find out more inside...
Half Minister Half Mistress by Nicole Morgan
If you're looking for an entertaining and thought-provoking piece of literature that will change your life and marriage forever, this is it! In her literary debut, Nicole Morgan, wife of gospel organist/producer, PJ Morgan, wrote Half Minister/Half Mistress- the Life of a Ministry Wife as a tool. Though you really don't have to be a ministry wife, or even married, to appreciate the nuggets of wisdom that it holds, she has musician's and pastor's wives on her heart. The book is told in a "by us, for us" perspective that seeks to tackle those issues that are causing and have caused many ministry marriages to fail. Openly talking about taboo topics such as church groupies, adultery on both sides of the marriage, finding and maintain balancing between home and church, and more, this manuscript is a must have for all women.
What are people saying about it:
"Nicole really exposes in a vivid manner the thoughts of women and seductive tactics which men in general do not readily understand. At the same time she gives meaning to behaviors that are systemic based on the family structure and social upbringing."
-Rev. Dr. Lee P. Washington, Pastor of Reid Temple AME Church
"Ministry wives sometimes feel misunderstood and cut off. Nicole's book really ministers to the emotional bag lady that lives within most ministry wives and encourages them to pack lightly and God ministers through the hand and pen of Nicole Morgan and the sisterhood to which she introduces her readers."
-Jamyla Genous, Music Director, WXVI 1600 AM New Life Radio
"I am not even married and my life was changed by the time I got to chapter 3. The book is funny, but it cuts like a knife. I love the transparency and while I was reading I felt like I was talking to my best girlfriend. It's a must-read for women in all walks of life."
-K. Dionne Odoms, member of the Potter's House, Dallas, TX
Instead of trying, let go. Let go of the limitations of "religion," a place of trying harder, where you never measure up. Step into God's grace. You'll be empowered supernaturally beyond your experience. Read more inside...
Dr. Patricia Bailey wants women to overcome all obstacles, real or imagined, and step boldly into all God has for them. Using examples of great women of the Bible - Rahab, Esther, Hagar, Hannah, Abigail, Debra, and many others - she shows that the common denominator for accomplishing something great was simply the willingness to be a risktaker for God. Find out more inside...
Bringing people to Christ is the underlying purpose of the book "Getting the Word Out: How to Market Your Ministry." This, however, will not be easy to accomplish; but those of you who are about to read this book or participate in a seminar already know this. This is why we constantly search for techniques and ideas on how we might win souls for the Lord. Find out about this amazing book inside...