Coaching For Success
Legacy Living is all about touching humanity, through the use of your life, gifts, and talents, on behalf of God and His Kingdom. I believe each and every person who enters this side of heaven has the potential to leave a rich legacy. Your life itself should stand as a memorial for God for the entire world to see! When coupled with the fruits of your gifts and talents, you should, in no uncertain terms, leave an indelible mark upon the lives of men now, and possibly throughout eternity. For instance, the great Apostle Paul is dead and gone, but his writings are still touching lives today. Not only today, but also what he has deposited in the earth has become a part of our spirits and will stay with us throughout eternity. Wow! Read more inside...
I heard an interesting fact about a certain fish called the Oscar fish. This particular fish when placed in the right environment has the ability to reach its potential size of 16 inches. However, if placed in a limited environment, such as a small fish tank, this fish will never grow to reach its full potential. After hearing this interesting fact it made me wonder: How many people have lived, died, and never reached their full potential because their tank was too small?