The Destiny Diva!
It is a joy and a blessing to once again greet my family. Last month, we talked about embracing destiny by overcoming poor self esteem. This month, we will focus on the similar topic of, "Overcoming Negative Words From Others." I am a fairly young woman, and those of you from my generation can probably relate to the adage that says, "Sticks and stones may break my bones but names will never hurt me." Lord, I don't know who created that quote but I have found that to be so not true. Words have so much power, and as Christians, we need to be very cognizant of and selective about the things that we allow people to speak into our lives. This also holds true for our children because they will take on whatever attributes we speak into them. Read more inside...
How does one overcome abuse and poor self esteem? First, as children of God, we must understand that regardless of what others think of us, we are very precious in the sight of God. We understand that He loved us enough to give up the greatest sacrifice by sending His son, Jesus Christ, to die for our sins. But He also loves us so much that He already has a blueprint for His children. We know this from His Word as shown in Jeremiah 29:11. He has plans for us to have a hope and a future. He thinks good thoughts toward of us; thoughts of peace, not thoughts of evil. Read more inside...