Evangelist Ruby Holland Hutchins: We Must Touch The World!
What would you do if you knew you had the ability to touch the entire world? Where would you start? Whose life would you touch? If you couldn't go, who would you send? These are very important questions, as we all have a specific mandate to "go ye therefore, and teach all nations" [Matthew 28:19]. Our local communities, neighborhoods, and churches are significant contributors to the world in which we live. So the question is, "What are you doing right now to touch the world?"
Synonymous with the age old adage, "Big things come in small packages," Evg. Hutchins may be small in stature, but certainly not in spirit. Mantled with a tremendous and uncanny anointing to uncompromisingly preach God's Word, prophesy His wisdom, and sing of His goodness, Evg. Hutchins stands as a relentless voice crying loud and sparing not in this season. For more than 25 years, God has used her to minister the good news of Jesus Christ across five continents (Europe, Asia, Africa, North and South America). Her mission in ministry is to "find the need and meet it, find the hurt and heal it," and she has a relentless pursuit to fulfill this assignment.
Perhaps most recognizable to date for a message she preached in 2009 at the Church of God In Christ (C.O.G.I.C.) Auxiliaries In Ministry (A.I.M.) Convention entitled, "I'm Destiny's Child," and for her tantalizing singing rendition of "In The Name of Jesus," Evg. Hutchins ministers a fresh, relevant and life changing word via workshops, seminars, scholarships, community endeavors, and hand-on intervention and prevention ministry initiatives. She is a widely sought-after evangelist who intends to complete the assignment that God has placed upon her life by doing the full work of an evangelist, making full proof of her ministry, and touching the world for God's glory!
Coupled with her itinerant evangelistic ministry, Evangelist Hutchins serves faithfully as a member of the Greater Community Temple Church of God in Christ in Memphis, Tennessee where Bishop Brandon B. Porter, Sr. serves as senior pastor and presiding jurisdictional prelate. As many are captivated by the incomparable ministry and accomplishments of this beautiful woman of God, PreachingWoman.com's founder, Nichelle Early (NE), spoke one on one with Evg. Ruby Hutchins (RH) as she shared her desire to encourage the Body of Christ to reignite its passion towards humanity by demonstrating the love, peace and compassion of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ following His lead to "touch the world!"
NE: Thank you Evangelist Hutchins for accepting this interview! You are one of my favorite Evangelists and I'm delighted to have you on PreachingWoman.com to share with us!
RH: Thank you, I am both humbled and honored to speak with you, to God be the glory!
NE: Well, let's get started? What do you believe your kingdom assignment is in the earth at this time?
RH: I believe that God has given me an assignment to bring restoration and wholeness into the lives of people. Man is a trichotomy. We are made up of body, spirit and soul. And I believe that God wants us to be physically, spiritually, and mentally balanced. We cannot ignore our mental health! People need to know that God is concerned about our mental health, especially during these challenging times, because the attack of the enemy is so intense to wear us out, push us to the breaking point and ultimately cause us to doubt the very existence of God. So it is vitally important that we (apostles, pastors, teachers, prophets and evangelists) who have been given the mandate to minister a word of restoration and wholeness, do so in such a way by which people are compelled to know the love of God and his compassion concerning their lives and their needs.
NE: Amen! So what are some ways that God is using you to minister to restoration and wholeness to people, especially those, who may be at their breaking point?
RH: I define ministry as finding the need and meeting it, finding the hurt and healing it. This mandate on my life extends beyond local-it is global; and God has given me the ability to accomplish this not only through preaching the Gospel, but also through my personal ministry, Touch the World, Inc. Here we administrate our community efforts such as our work with Habitat for Humanity; helping single moms get their diplomas or GEDs; donating college tuition funds for single parents; our young women's initiatives where we attempt to excavate their untapped potential; assisting young single parents with child care, transportation and other needs; as well as our work with St. Jude's Hospital, where they allow us to come and pray in the chapel and be a blessing to those that are there; God has really opened our hearts to be a blessing even through other initiatives in our denomination, Church of God In Christ, where we support charities in Africa, Haiti, and others.
NE: Wow, God has given you such a great vision for Touch the World Ministries Inc.! What is the mandate of the evangelistic arm of the ministry?
RH: The mandate of Touch World Ministries, Inc. overall is that it is a global preaching, teaching, evangelistic ministry which is not confined to the four walls of the church. Our goal is to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ no matter where we are; whether at a shopping center, work place, or wherever; we as believers must be the link, bridge, or path in which we introduce Christ as our personal Savior to others. We have to be aware that there are always opportunities for ministry and must take advantage of all those opportunities. We cannot get so caught up in church work that we forget to minister to those outside of the church. To advance the cause of Christ, we must be like Christ, who was among the people, touching the people...this is what ministry is all about!
NE: Amen! I totally agree!
Speaking of ministry, you were called into ministry at such a young age and began your evangelist ministry at the age of 18. How did you learn of your calling and what was the process you endured in order for that call to be acknowledged?
RH: Learning of my call was not like most people. Some say that they had a dream, others say they had a vision, someone prophesied to them, etc. Well, it didn't happen that way for me. I grew up in a very rural area of Longview, TX. It was one of the most impoverished places in the country. Being one of 10 children growing up on a farm, we drank water from a well, gathered eggs from the henhouse, and shelled peas. I remember having such a desire to know God ever since the age of five years old. My mother was both instrumental and influential in the process. She recognized and helped me to acknowledge that I was not just called, but a chosen vessel of God. By the age of 12, I can recall my mother and I shelling peas, and she would say, 'Ruby, go get my Bible and read to me,' and I would read the Bible for her, not knowing the impact those times were having on my life...Naturally, I was a singer, and being noted for that, I was often called upon to minister in song. It was during those times that I would begin to exhort and encourage people. By the time the song ended, I was in full exhortation. As a result of this, people would ask me to speak and I knew then that this was not Ruby's doing, but that it was God's...it was years later before I was actually licensed as an evangelist. So, what you see is all God. When I think of where He has brought me from and to know I have the privilege to preach His Word, it just humbles me!
NE: I totally understand! So, what are 3 principles that you would offer to those who are young and in ministry and believe they have a call upon their life?
RH: I would offer [the following]:
- Firstly, Know God - It is important to know God and have a personal relationship with Him.
- Secondly, Know Your Calling - Being called does not exempt you from adversity, rather you become a prime target for the enemy. When you accept your calling, you must know that adversities will come, but you must persevere through them.
- Thirdly, Have Integrity - Integrity is essential in ministry. You must have integrity. It is necessary to have good character, especially if you are going to be in ministry. People have to be able to trust you in order for you to help them.
NE: Amen! That's the only way that you can meet their needs.
With that said, how important is it, in your opinion, for the Body of Christ to be postured in this hour, to "find the need and meet it, find the hurt and heal it" as it pertains to our local communities?
RH: When we study the life of Christ, the Bible records that He was moved with compassion. The Greek word for compassion is eleos and denotes the inward part as the seat of emotions, the bowels, the heart of passion. Jesus was so deeply moved with compassion that He would not send the people who followed Him away...While the disciples became frustrated, aggravated, even tired of ministry...Jesus recognized the difference between sympathy and compassion; so much so that he fed the hungry, unstopped deaf ears, gave sight to the blind, went home with the sinner, quenched the thirst of the woman at the well. These were not acts of sympathy but of compassion. Sympathy says, 'I wish I could do something,' or 'If I was able...', but compassion moves you beyond your capabilities into the realm of meeting the need. In this season of innovation of modern technology, with the fastest growing religion being the nation of Islam, the body of Christ must be postured to take a stand for truth or the very core of Christianity is threatened.
NE: How true!
In addition to ministering the spoken word, Evg. Hutchins also ministers the gospel through song and has had the privilege of recording with numerous renowned gospel artists. In 2002, Jackson Music Awards Inc., nominated her for a Mississippi Gospel Music Award in the category, Album of The Year by a Local Artist. The impact of her soulful delivery of melodic expressions defies a medical diagnosis of lung cancer, to which her life responds, "God is Raffa, my healer."
NE: Please share with us a little bit about your testimony regarding your miraculous healing from lung cancer.
RH: After much weight loss, many bouts with pneumonia and bronchitis-like symptoms, and extensive treatment efforts, I was to the point of not being able to digest solid food. With symptoms worsening, even water was unable to be comfortably ingested. I decided to stop going to the doctor and began to try to medicate myself. During this season, one evening while I lay in bed, I audibly heard a voice say, "If you do not go to the ER tonight, you will be dead by tomorrow." So reluctantly I went. After routine examinations, labs, X-rays and CT scans, still, the doctors were uncertain about what the course of treatment should be. I was given medications to treat bronchitis and pneumonia. Because of this and the fact that I had been taking over-the-counter meds, I began to feel somewhat better so I was given several prescriptions and released to go home. Two days later, I received a call from the hospital saying there was something irregular on the CT scan and they instructed me to see a pulmonologist right away, who gave me a pre-diagnosis of pulmonary sarcoidosis. Not familiar with sarcoidosis? This was the same disease that [it has been said] NFL great Reggie White and comedian/actor Bernie Mac died from. When I did see the specialist, at that point, I was already in stage one lung cancer. This happened over a period of three years. By that time, I was down to 89 pounds. I had lymphoma, with tumors on both lungs, five on the right and four on the left...3 lymphoma tumors were removed from my windpipe. I refused chemotherapy and radiation. However, they opted to put me on [steroids]. That was one of the most challenging times of my life. I decided at the time that I was either going to be healed or I was going to die, either or, I felt I was in a win-win situation. But after seven years of battling with the disease, and undergoing many doctor's examinations, I went to the doctor on July 18, 2007, and I was told that the disease had left some scars, but that it was no longer there.
NE: To God be the glory!! So, what word of encouragement do you offer to others, especially women, who may be going through health challenges, i.e., throat cancers, or other illnesses, while yet trying to preach the gospel of fulfill their respective calling?
RH: Well, I would tell them:
- Have a right relationship with God. He will be with you through whatever you are going through.
- Have faith, a reason to live, a desire to live, and a will to live.
- Understand that if you are going through a terminal illness, 'death is by appointment and not by assignment!' The Bible says, that '...it is appointed unto men once to die. {Hebrews 9:27}.'The Bible also says, 'with long life, I will satisfy thee {Psalm 91:16}.' Cancer, HIV, MS, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Lupus or whatever illness you may be going through, it has to come subject to the Word of God.
Speaking of primary gifts, not only has God anointed you as an extraordinary preacher, but a uniquely gifted singer as well...How were you able to decipher which was your primary calling?
RH: Singing is a gift that God has given me, just as if to someone else He gave a gift to draw, a gift to play an instrument, without formal lessons. It draws people to God's heart. Singing is my gift, but, preaching is my calling, it's my purpose. It is what I was born to do!
NE: I love it!
Evangelist Ruby Holland-Hutchins is the wife of Elder Dennis Keith Hutchins, a loving mother and amorous grandparent. Ruby is a native of Longview, Texas and currently resides in Memphis, TN.
NE: Evangelist Hutchins, we would be remiss if we didn't discuss your beautiful family! Tell us a little bit about what they mean to you and the role they play in your ministry?
RH: My family is first and foremost! I love them very much! My daughters are young, beautiful, talented, and they love God. They both sing and play instruments and they keep me relevant...my family overall are my greatest fans and my biggest critics. They are the ones who challenge me and who really know my walk with Christ. At this stage in my life, hypocrisy is unacceptable...it's important that I practice what I preach and that I preach what I've practiced....My husband, Elder Dennis Hutchins, what can I say...He is an awesome preacher of God's word, administrator, musician, and very supportive of my ministry.
NE: Amen! Well, I know time is expiring, so before I let you go, what do you believe God is saying in this hour?
RH: I believe that God is saying, 'Do not compromise the truth of the Gospel.' Don't sell out, He has not changed...He is the same yesterday, today and forevermore!
Currently, Evangelist Hutchins is working on writing a new book, based upon her 2009 message, "I'm Destiny's Child." In addition, she is also currently working on her sophomore album to be released at a future published date.
NE: Evangelist Hutchins, last but not least, what is it that you want the world to know about you?
RH: I want them to know that it's all about Christ! I need God more than I need fame, fortune, popularity or material gain. And, it is my goal to do the full work of an evangelist, touch the world at all costs and complete the assignment that God has given me in the earth!