Drink Your Water!
If you are starting a weight loss program one key component is drinking 8 glasses of water at minimum each day. This can seem like a daunting task, but you can do it! Find out how inside...
Drink Your Water!
If you are starting a weight loss program one key component is drinking 8 glasses of water at minimum each day. This can seem like a daunting task.
Why should you drink 8 glasses of water?
Your body is approximately 60 to 70 percent water. Water is needed to regulate your body temperature, transports oxygen to all of your cells, and helps remove waste. It keeps our skin, nails, and hair healthy. It helps muscle tone and reduces fat deposits. It also assists in weight loss. It naturally suppresses your appetite and helps your body to metabolize your stored fat. Dehydration is also one of the most common causes of fatigue during the day.
Six easy tips to make your water consumption painless:
1. Buy a case of water bottles to keep under your desk. Most water bottles are 15 to 16 ounces. One bottle equals two glasses. That means only 4 bottles a day and you have achieved your goal. (Just be sure to recycle the bottles!)
2. Buy a big reusable water jug. I have one that holds exactly 8 glasses or 64 ounces. Just get one jug down and you are there. It's easier too because you don't have too keep track of how many bottles you drank each day. I was finding my self trying to remember, did I have 3 or 4 bottles today? I found a good jug at the dollar store for only $2.00. I just fill it up each morning, add some ice and take it with me to work.
3. I personally am not a sipper. I have to force myself to drink my water. I don't necessary drink it because I'm thirsty, I drink it because I know I need to and I know I will feel loads better if I do. Make yourself chug 8 to 16 ounces four times through out the day. It's really not that much once you do it.
4. Try adding Propel, Crystal Light or any other flavored water packets to add to your water. Just make sure it's not real high in calories.
5. When you get up in the morning make a point to drink 2 glasses first thing before anything else. Before your coffee, breakfast or anything.
6. Drink a glass before and after each meal. This will also decrease the amount of food you intake.
It will take a few days to get used to drinking 8 glasses of water each day, but once you do you will feel the difference in your body and energy level.
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