Ministry Etiquette
In laying down some foundational truths about preachers, the Apostle Paul in Romans 10:14 asked this question: how can they hear without a preacher? On the heels of such a question, I further ask: and how can a preacher preach without a voice? If you've been ministering for some time, or you're just joining the ranks, then you know this statement is true: no voice, no preaching. And there's nothing more embarrassing for a preacher than to hear his or her voice going out in the middle of a sermon. So, know this my sister, your voice box is a very vital part of your body. It is this instrument that allows you to articulate God's Word so that His people can hear it and be edified in the faith. Therefore, at all costs, it is important that you be careful to guard and protect it; for it is one of those things whereby we say, "if you take care of it, it will take care of you." Find out how to protect this precious asset inside...