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Her Sermon Helps

What are Divisions? Well, divisions are the main sections of a sermon that has an orderly structure. These sections can be stated during the delivery of the sermon, or they may not. However, it's important to know that a properly planned message will have very distinct sections, and each section helps provide clarity to the unity of the message. We will provide you with three major reasons why you should ensure that you utilize divisions properly when planning your sermons.
Many people that you may minister to have question marks as to God's character and how they relate to Him. Therefore, we want to provide you with a non-exhaustive frame work regarding God's attributes (aspects of God's character) in order to show how God is like us. Over the next few installments, we will be discussing the attributes of God. However, please know that these discussions or the listings that we will provide will not cover everything that can be said or known about God's character, because only He is all knowing. But, our goal is to provide a general categorical listing for you to further study and fellowship with God. Read more inside...