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God's Attributes: Part I-The Communicable Attributes of God

Many people that you may minister to have question marks as to God's character and how they relate to Him. Therefore, we want to provide you with a non-exhaustive frame work regarding God's attributes (aspects of God's character) in order to show how God is like us. Over the next few installments, we will be discussing the attributes of God. However, please know that these discussions or the listings that we will provide will not cover everything that can be said or known about God's character, because only He is all knowing. But, our goal is to provide a general categorical listing for you to further study and fellowship with God. Read more inside...

God's Attributes: Part I-The Communicable Attributes of God


Many people that you may minister to have question marks as to God's character and how they relate to Him.  Therefore, we want to provide you with a non-exhaustive frame work regarding God's attributes (aspects of God's character) in order to show how God is like us. Over the next few installments, we will be discussing the attributes of God.  However, please know that these discussions or the listings that we will provide will not cover everything that can be said or known about God's character, because only He is all knowing.  But, our goal is to provide a general categorical listing for you to further study and fellowship with God.


For this installment, we are going to divide God's attributes into two categories, Communicable, which we are discussing today, and Incommunicable, which we will discuss in the next installment! Again, please understand that the attributes of God can be subdivided into other specific attributes, but we are providing you with a non-exhaustive general knowledge of His attributes as we know them. Further studies of biblical doctrine, prayer and supplication, and Holy Spirit inspired revelation may be necessary to gain more specific insight.


Communicable Attributes are those aspects of God's character that are commonly or more shared with us.  In other words, they are those attributes that we have in common with God, but not in the same measure as God.  Please take a moment to review the following list of 5 major categories of God's Communicable Attributes. (1)


A. Attributes of God's Existence

    1. God Is Spirit (John 4:24)

    2. God is Invisible in His total being, but visible in created things (John 1:18)


B. Attributes of the Mind

    3. Wisdom (Romans 16:27)

    4. Knowledge (I John 3:20)

    5. Faithfulness and Truthfulness (Jeremiah 10:10-11)


C. Attributes of Intent

    6. Power (Ephesians 3:20)

    7. Freedom (including the Will) (Ephesians 1:11)


D. Attributes of Morality

    8. Love (John 3:16)

    9. Holiness (Leviticus 19:2)

  10. Righteousness (Deuteronomy 32:4)

  11. Grace (including Goodness and Mercy) (Romans 3:23-24)

  12. Divine Jealousy (II Corinthians 11:2)

  13. Intense Hate for Sin (Romans 1:18)


E. Attributes of Essence

   14. Blessedness ((I Timothy 6:15)

   15. Perfection (Matthew 5:48)

   16. Beauty (Psalm 27:4)




Disclaimer About this teaching:

(1) This study was based in part on the teachings of Dr. Wayne A. Grudem. However, the above listing or information presented is not a direct excerpt or quote from Dr. Grudem or his text.  For the actual specific listing and teaching please see his text:

Grudem, Wayne A.. Bible Doctrine: Essential Teachings of the Christian Faith. Michigan: Zondervan, 1999.