Soul Manna
Where do you see yourself in the next ten years? How will you get there? Well, I am firm believer that if you want to progress in life you have to see yourself where you want to go and couple that vision with progressive thoughts. You have to develop the mentality of consistently thinking beyond where you are. In other words, you must think beyond your today!
As I think about the very moment God gave me the vision for, my heart overflowd with joy. I have joy for many reasons, but particularly: Your support has been more than I could have ever dreamed of: your prayers, emails, phone calls, memberships, and every form of support has kept me and my staff encouraged throughout this first year; 2.) I've had the opportunity to meet so many anointed and powerful preaching women that share my heart in advancing the Kingdom of God. 3.) Most importantly, God the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, as proven Himself faithful to me and this endeavor, and I've truly seen His hand in the midst of it all, and I am sincerely and exceedingly thankful! Read more inside...
I once heard Dr. Myles Munroe say, that one of the wealthiest places in the whole wide world is the cemetery. And the context of the statement was to suggest that there are so many people who leave this dispensation of life full of visions, goals, and dreams that they never accomplish. However, I believe that one of the wealthiest places in the whole wide world right now, is right where you are sitting. Yes, I'm talking about you! Find out more about YOU inside!