Desperation by definition means to suffer extreme need or anxiety and the involving or employing of extreme measures in an attempt to escape defeat or personal frustration. As I said last month, desperation is neither good nor bad in and of itself; therefore it needs a stimulus to exist. In other words something has to happen to cause the feeling of desperation. It is how we choose to respond that makes the reason for our desperation good or bad, right or wrong.
Eli seeing Hannah in prayer assumed that she was a wild woman. But after she shared with him that she was not, he blessed her saying: " Go in peace may the Lord God of Israel give you what you what you asked (I Samuel 1:17). When Hannah heard this, she got up from praying, ate, and drank- she believed she received (Mark 11:24). There was no more need of crying for what she was praying for was confirmed by Eli and would come to pass. Notice that all three at this time came into agreement: God, Hannah, and Eli. God was already on board, but He was waiting for Hannah and Eli to come into alignment and agreement with his will. It was never only about Hannah and her husband receiving; it was about God's divine purpose and providence. He needed Hannah and Eli to come into agreement to not only birth the purpose, but nurture and train it.
Sometimes people don't know what the purpose is- but they know its God and sometimes they don't know what their role is in assisting you-but they know it's God. Here are a few keys to press through the feelings and pressure of desperation:
- Persistence in prayer causes conception in the spirit to manifest in the natural (earth).
- Become committed to the process. Hannah was fully invested in receiving a child. She was committed to the process; for example, she was committed to the duration of time and to the purpose (meaning Samuel) in keeping her vow to God.
- Don't just choose inner circle people, but intimate circle people who will not hinder you from fulfilling your purpose. Hannah's husband never ego-tripped nor did he demand his own way. He acknowledged that God was moving and working through Hannah and did not interfere at all. You need people likewise who are in sync with God. When they are in sync with God they will be in sync with you and not hinder you.
- Know your season and be content where you are. Hannah only released the purpose (Samuel) when he was weaned and wasn't dependent upon her. She let him go to do what God put him on the earth to do.
- Lastly, Revelation. God gives revelation to His chosen vessels. In the end all will get it and worship God together (I Samuel 1:26-28). The glory of God is revealed through His purposes and His chosen vessels who yield to His Spirit and allow His will to shine through them for all to see and benefit on the earth.
Remember: stay on assignment and task as you work in your Father's vineyard. Stay on post fulfilling God's mission on the earth winning souls to Christ in your everyday lives, God bless.